Chapter 94

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Mother Zhou shot a glare at Father Zhou.

"Don't mind them. I think this quilt is brand new." Father Zhou examined the new quilt.

Mother Zhou’s attention shifted to this: “It’s newly-made. Really thoughtful.”

Then whispered, “Old man, how much box fund do you intend to give Xiao Mei?”

"You decide." Father Zhou said.

"Then give fifty?" Mother Zhou replied.

"Isn't that a bit little?" Father Zhou blankly stared at her.

Mother Zhou responded: "What little. She and Da Lin both have jobs. They can make a lot of money every month. In the end, only a bit was divided to the family. Her work didn't bring much back, how much do you expect?"

"That side gave the four major gifts," Zhou Father pointed out.

"Keep the bicycle at home, and send everything else back with her. At that time, there's be this quilt, soaps, hot water bottle, and the likes." Mother Zhou stated.

Father Zhou had no comment.

Mother Zhou said in a small voice: "We still need to save money for Da Wa, Er Wa, and San Wa's marriage. Look how Da Wa's Mother extravagantly splurge. They can't save much. What should to do when the boys marry?"

At this, Father Zhou still said nothing.

It was true that his daughter has no shortage over there. Then leave it for Da Wa and his brothers.

The old couple neglected Second Sister-in-law. After all, she was the one who started the fight first. Everyone saw her pushing Fourth's wife first. Who can she blame when she got thrown?

But how could Second Sister-in-law be willing to leave it like this? Second brother came back from the outside and saw her lying on the kang as she groaned in pain.

"Why are you crying out for?" Second Brother asked.

"Damn you! Your wife nearly got beaten to death and where did you run off to!" Second Sister-in-law yelled at once.

Second Brother was shocked: "Got beaten! Who dare to beat you?"

Second Sister-in-law gritted her teeth as she uttered, "It was that Fourth's wife. Lin Qing He beat me!"

"You got to be kidding me." Second Brother frowned: "How can you not win against her? With her dainty appearance, does she know how to fight? Two of your push is enough."

Second Sister-in-law was so vexed: "Whose's side are you on? I was beaten by Lin Qing He. Father, Mother, and the other sisters-in-law saw it with their own eyes. If you don't believe me, you can ask them. I'm telling you, Zhou Qing Lin, this matter between Lin Qing He and I ain't over. If your old Lin Zhou Family doesn't hold her accountable, then I will go back to my maternal house to find my brothers. My brothers won't agree to me getting beaten!"

Second Brother frowned. He came out and asked Eldest Sister-in-law and Third Sister-in-law: "Eldest Sister-in-law, Third Sister-in-law, what happened? San Ni's Mother is making a ruckus to go back to her mother's house."

"Speaking truthfully, on this matter, it was San Ni's Mother who shoved Da Wa's Mother first." Eldest Sister-in-law answered honestly.

"Father and Mother were all present at the time. Third Second Sister-in-law pushed Da Wa's Mother first, and then Da Wa's Mother threw her over the shoulder." Third Sister-in-law added.

"Over the shoulder?" Second Brother was taken aback.

"Probably taught by the Fourth Brother-in-law," replied Third Sister-in-law.

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