Chapter 171

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Even if the whole village pointed and scolded her behind her back, she never explained a word.

Then she suddenly became a teacher in the community's junior high school.

In the future, not only will she get five work points, but also a monthly salary of more than ten yuan. This was simply more than old Fourth's earning.

With such an iron rice bowl, who would dare to talk Fourth's wife's shortcoming?

Use that old saying, what Fourth's wife did was called 'endure self-imposed hardships'.

What's more olf Fourth, that guy really makes one envy. He was able to make money before. But now he can't make money and got to dig field. However, his wife can make money.

Although it was only 13 yuan a month, which was far from what old Fourth earned before, there were still work points. After adding up those five work points, how much was that?

So old Fourth's life was pretty exceptional.

He married marry such a wife who can cook, take care of the family, and can make money. No one can compare.

Second Brother was emotional when he heard it. Second Sister-in-law wept even more sadly.

She wanted to compare with Lin Qing He, but she will never outmatch her in this life.

Second Brother can approximately grasp her thoughts and didn't bother about her. Once she cried it out, she'll think it through.

In fact, many in the village had the same feeling as Second Brother.

The village had kept on talking about Lin Qing He behind her back regarding the matter of her spending habits and never entering the field, 

They have seen someone who didn't know how to live, but never to this extent. A perfectly fine person actually didn't work to support themselves. Can you believe this?

If the saliva can drown people, then who knows how many times the previous Lin Qing He drowned.

Who would have thought that Lin Qing He was studying in private by herself? And out of nowhere, she threw out such a big surprise.

In one swoop, all the educated youths were suppressed. They couldn't refute a word. She became the official staff of the community's junior high school.

This was really amazing.

They used to think that Lin Qing He dressing up as a city folk was very ostentatious. But now, the more they looked, the more they felt that this was the style that a teacher should have. She had studied, so she had that kind of temperament.

The two full scores were spread throughout the few production teams in the community. Not a false exaggeration added.

After all, all ten miles radius and eight villages had caught a wisp of Lin Qing He's reputation. She was the only strange one who won't go to the field.

Right now, when this was spread, it had become a legend. Without even needing Lin Qing He giving the script, everyone can make up the studious image of she studying hard for all these years without caring about the slanders outside.

When she goes out, people's gazes toward her were filled with admiration. And when they saw her, they were willing to say hello.

Lin Qing He wasn't that cold and clueless about socializing. When people greet her, she will also reply and not act too rude.

It's just that the generation gap was there. It was really impossible to communicate, so she didn't say much.

Her title had also instantly changed from Da Wa's mother to Teacher Lin.

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