Chapter 149

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Knowing that it was useless to talk with her mother, so San Ni brought up her brother going to school to her father when Second Brother came back.

"Er Wa is going to go to school, while my brother doesn't get to." San Ni said.

Eldest Sister-in-law's three girls all studied, but San Ni and Liu Ni didn't.

Wu Ni from Third Sister-in-law's family also went to school.

San Ni felt that it was fine that she didn't get to study, but her brother had to go.

Second Brother didn't have any objection to this, so he came over to talk to Second Sister-in-law.

Second Sister-in-law whined: "Don't you know what's the situation is like at home?"

"What's the situation at home? It's not so bad that we can't allow your son to study. When you didn't have a son before, you wished to give birth to one as the pearl of your eyes. Now that you gave birth one, you treat it like grass, right? You won't even let him study, so what are you saving that little money for?" Second Brother said.

"Don't he need to marry a wife in the future? Doesn't that need money?" Second Sister-in-law responded.

"Don't think so far. He's only so big now. You're talking about what happens more than ten years later now. Let him go to school." stated Second Brother.

Fourth family's Da Wa and Er Wa were both going to school. Even his Eldest Brother's and Third Brother's daughters can go to school. Why can't his son go?

Even though Second Sister-in-law was reluctant to touch the money, she must grit her teeth and pay the tuition now that her man had spoken. She also declared: "If you don't receive grades, then you don't need to study, understand?"

Zhou Xia nodded when he heard it.

Once he went to school, Zhou Xia's two eyes became dizzy from all the lectures.

Once he went home from school, he was caught by his mother and given an interrogation. He couldn't answer at all, so he got a beating.

Mother Zhou reprimanded when she heard it, "That's enough! What are hitting for? It's only the first day and you think he could understand everything in one go? Wouldn't he be a monster then?"

Seeing the Second's wife acting like this, Mother Zhou's mother was overwhelmed with emotion.

This Second’s wife was really inferior to Fourth’s wife. Fourth’s wife sometimes complains, but at most, she'll say 'you, father and sons are all here to collect debts'.

Even if she hit the child, she just lifts her hand up high and put it down gently. There was never any unpleasant scolding like Second's wife and harsh hits.

"Mother, I'm disciplining the child." Second Sister-in-law stated.

"What disciplining the child? This is also my grandson. I can say a few words, right?" Mother Zhou said.

Even if the family was separated,  Second Sister-in-law didn’t dare to go against Mother Zhou. She could only scold at Zhou Xia: “If you can’t answer any questions tomorrow, you don’t have to go, I’ll go to your principal to get a refund!"

Zhou Xia felt so aggrieved, so he came to find Er Wa.

Er Wa said: "Come here and I will teach you." He thought it was too simple. His mother had already taught him. He didn't want to go to the first grade, but instead, wanted to go to the second grade.

But his mother said that he was still a little young now. Once he grows up, he will skip a grade. For now, he stayed in the first grade.

Zhou Xia let him teach, and incidentally, get dinner at his fourth uncle's house.

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