Chapter 82

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Thankfully, she now had such a business.

Although it was only once every three days, she can earn seven dimes each time. And it was ten times a month, so she can get seven yuans, which was also a considerable amount.

Sometimes, when there was a lot, they can get almost ten jins of meat.

In addition to giving a dime, Lin Qing He also gave Mei Jie some food stamps, which were all exchanged from those old madams in the county city.

Totaling it all, it wasn't much worse than when she went to work.

However, because of Mei Jie's connection, it was very easy for Lin Qing He to buy something out of stock in the supply and marketing cooperative.

For example, there were three jars of honey stored at home, which was gained through Mei Jie's connection.

The honey at this time was really pure wild honey. Lin Qing He bought a jar of winter honey last year.

It solidified like a lump of oil similar to lard.

She had finished it in one winter, as she had to drank one cup of honey water before going to bed every day. She would drink it herself, the children didn't need to drink it yet.

Zhou Qing Bai didn't have a share, at that time he didn't have any importance in her heart yet.

However, since that marital obligation, cough, and she cared about him.

So the nightly honey water included Zhou Qing Bai's share now. Zhou Qing Bai said he does not need it. He didn't like to drink these pure sweet things.

But his wife had him drink, so even if he didn't like it, he had to drink it.

Lin Qing He felt great drinking this honey water.

The health benefits of drinking this for a long time were self-evident. It was essential for Zhou Qing Bai to drink it. He had to do farm work every day. Even though she made three healthy meals a day, it was not enough nourishment.

So Lin Qing He tried hard to manage it for him.

Seven days after the summer harvest began, Lin Qing He slaughtered a chicken at home.

Since raising it in spring, it was now one jin or so. One of them became unwell during the period, so there were five left. There were still four left after the slaughtering. They were still over the limit.

This chicken wasn't eaten just like that. Lin Qing He also pre-ordered a pork stomach from Mei Jie's pig farm.

She washed the pork stomach, cooked it and cut it. Then it was stewed with the chicken as well as a sprinkle of sesame seeds.

It was a pot of sesame, pork stomach, and chicken.

The taste was definitely aromatic. In the evening, the father and sons ate the sesame pork stomach and chicken served with wholegrain mantou.

Although the kids didn't like to eat this kind of mantou very much, Lin Qing He would still make it occasionally. Must eat, even when they don't want to. They can't always eat fine cuisine all the time.

The chicken drum was divided between Da Wa and Er Wa. Lin Qing He expressed that the chicken drum would be eaten in turns. This time, she let them two eat first. Next time, it will be them, husband and wife's turn. When San Wa gets bigger and know how to eat, he'll join in the queue.

Da Wa and Er Wa agreed.

Lin Qing He grabbed a chicken wing and let San Wa chew on it. The rest was Zhou Qing Bai’s. But the only drinking soup and avoiding meat her, was pushed by Zhou Qing Bai to feed on a chicken wing.

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