Chapter 109

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It was only ten o'clock when the mother and sons brought these things home.

"Mother, I'm hungry," said San Wa as he held onto his mother's legs.

"Er Wa, go and make your brother some malted milk." Lin Qing He ordered.

"I want it too." Er Wa declared.

"Then make two glasses." Lin Qing He nodded.

Er Wa went to make the malted milk. San Wa happily tailed his second brother.

Lin Qing He started to cook pig food.

The two pigs that were brought back last winter were hungry at this moment in the backyard.

After the pig food was cooked, Lin Qing He scooped it and feed it to the pig. She had also scooped some for the chicken. There were two additional ones in the chicken pen. They were intended for Zhou Qing Bai. If he didn't eat well in the summer harvest, it'll be really unbearable.

After finishing feeding the pigs and chickens, Lin Qing He started to make the dough swiftly. She planned to make spring pancakes for lunch.

Spring pancakes were perfect for spring days.

As the dough rested, she scrubbed the pot again and then went to the backyard to cut a handful of tender leeks. She shredded the potatoes and chopped the onions as preparation.

She took out some pork from the space, cut it into shred, and fried five eggs. After all these ingredients were prepared, the dough was ready.

Lin Qing He began to knead and roll the dough again.

Once she made the whole family's share, Zhou Da Wa happened to come back from school.

"Mother, you bought glass marbles and children's books for them. What did you buy for me?" Zhou Da Wa put down his schoolbag and came over.

"I bought school supplies for you. It's on your Kang. Didn't you see them?" Lin Qing He gave him an eye-roll.

"Mother, did you buy me something else?" Of course, Zhou Da Wa saw it, but that was not what he wanted.

"Other? I did want to buy it for you, but I didn't bring enough money this time." Lin Qing He responded.

"Don't coax me, Mother." Zhou Da Wa didn't believe it.

"Then you treat it as me coaxing you." Lin Qing He waved her hand.

"Mother." Zhou Da Wa began to be discontent.

Lin Qing He laughed: "Do you want a football?"

"Football?" Zhou Da Wa's eyes widened.

"That's right. However, it's not cheap, more than twenty yuans for a football." Lin Qing He said.

At this time, football was more than twenty yuans. It was really dear.

What Lin Qing He saw at the shopping mall was brand new and it never came in stock before.

As for not bringing enough money, that was impossible. She collected all the money and coupons in the space. She just wanted to leave Da Wa hanging for a bit.

"More than twenty yuans?" Although Zhou Da Wa was pleasantly surprised, he was immediately stunned. In his view, over twenty yuan was a lot.

"How much money did you save with Er Wa? Bring it over to me, I'll join the fund to see if it's enough." Lin Qing He began to peel the skin and said.

"We just saved a yuan." Zhou Da Wa stated.

"One yuan is also money." Lin Qing He smiled: "Go ask Er Wa about that football, he also saw it."

[Part 1] Back To The Sixties: Farm, Get Wealthy & Raise The CubsWhere stories live. Discover now