Chapter 95

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Zhou Qing Bai returned after one o'clock in the afternoon with a full load of firewood, which was at least four or five bundles.

"You should be hungry. Hurry in and eat. I will heat it up for you." Lin Qing He said.

"Taking advantage of these days, I will get more back." Zhou Qing Bai nodded.

With a bike, he brought back so many. It was almost sufficient after a few more trips, so Lin Qing He gave no objection. She warmed up the buns and the side dishes.

While Lin Qing He warmed his meals, he put the firewood in the backyard, so Lin Qing He didn't have to do it later.

Zhou Qing Bai was indeed starving and with his appetite already large, he wiped clean everything Lin Qing He heated up.

"Go rest a bit. There's nothing left to do at home." Lin Qing He urged.

Zhou Qing Bai agreed.

He still didn't know about his wife's fight. It was when he was about to go out the next day to get firewood, he got blocked by Second Brother and heard his grumbling, did he found out.

"I didn't know about this matter yet, so I can't give you any explanations. We'll talk about it when I come back." Zhou Qing Bai finished and hopped on the bike.

When he came back in the afternoon, he asked his wife while he was washing his face.

"What? He dares to come and complain to you? It was she who first moved her mouth. She also struck out first. Still, dare to complain?" Lin Qing He sneered.

"She hit you?" Zhou Qing Bai asked.

Lin Qing He noticed his focus was on that part and was immediately healed. She beamed: "I'm fine. She just shoved me a bit and got thrown by me."

Then added: "At that time, Father, Mother, and the other two sisters-in-law were there. I have a lot of witnesses on this matter. Even if her old Chen family comes over, I can beat them away!"

Zhou Qing Bai nodded and stated: "If they really dare to come over, you don't need to take action."

Lin Qing He got his meaning and shot a grin at him. Zhou Qing Bai returned a soft gaze, said, "In the future, tell me about these matters straightaway. I won't be angry."

"OK." Lin Qing He nodded and continued, "Actually, I haven't taken this seriously. She has endured me for a long time. I also find her displeasing for a long time. The day before yesterday's fight was actually quite refreshing."

Zhou Qing Bai: "..." This time, his gaze toward his wife was a bit helpless.

Zhou Qing Bai knew that his wife couldn't be blamed for this matter, so naturally, he ignored Second Brother. On this matter, Second Brother only came over to grumble. In fact, he wanted to express was out of all things, why did you have to teach your wife how to fight?

However, before this main point was finished, it was dismissed by Zhou Qing Bai. With this, it was over.

Zhou Qing Bai had been busy working these few days. He had prepared all the firewood that his family needs for winter.

Once he finished, and it snowed.

What's more, a lot got accumulated on the ground.

At the end of November, Zhou Xiao Mei got married. The whole family sent her off. Because it was too cold and the snow was still falling, everything was simple.

Out of the wedding gifts, a bicycle remained. The others were displayed for a bit before gifting it back.

The banquet was also held at the in-law's place. Zhou Qing Bai and his brothers had went over, while Lin Qing He and the children didn't attend.

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