Chapter 187

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As the days passed, it reached the time for the year end's meat distribution.

The family's two big plump pigs were also driven out early in the morning.

After breakfast, Da Wa, Er Wa, and San Wa wanted to watch the pig slaughter.

Little Su Cheng had the heart to follow.

"No. You are too young. The scene of killing pigs is not suitable for you to watch." San Wa coaxed him.

"I'm not afraid." Little Su Cheng persisted.

Because he often mingled with his elder brothers, his language skills developed pretty well.

"You'll have nightmares after seeing it." Er Wa also said.

"I'm not afraid." Littel Su Cheng maintained.

But in the end, Little Su Cheng didn't participate because he was still too small. He was only that big, no way was he allowed to watch.

However, those who were taken over Zhou Qing Bai had their eyes covered when the pig got killed. Da Wa covered San Wa's eyes.

As for Er Wa, he half-covered his own eyes. His whole body was a little tense.

After a few pigs cried out one after another, the pigs were slaughtered.

Three pigs were killed in the village this year. Every household can receive a lot. Still, the most in-demand were the two pigs from Zhou Qing Bai's family. They were really fat. Fat and strong.

Lin Qing He was able to get three jins more meat this year than in the previous year. It was from the work points she got as a teacher. Of course, there were also work points from raising two big pigs.

One giant pig's head, seven or eight ribs, big bones. These were all the usual request.

Also, they didn't leave out the large intestines, small intestines, and pork stomach.

The rest was fatty meat. Lin Qing He got a cut of seven jins of fatty meat. This had many people look on with envy. No one said anything about her.

If they had the ability, they would ask for it too.

Lin Qing He also asked for a lot of pork belly and lean meat since she got some ribs and the big bones at the beginning. These were third-class meat, which was the least valuable.

Lean meat was also considered as third-class meat.

Pork belly was considered second-class meat. First-class meat was naturally the fatty meat. Everyone labeled it the best meat.

Adding up these things, it was approximately 30 jins of meat.

Of course, this was because Father Zhou's share was also included in here.

Even so, bringing back so much meat still aroused everyone's envy.

But sometimes one can't be envious.

Before, everyone didn't expect much from Zhou Qing Bai's family.

The phrase 'thirty years, river flow east, thirty years, river flow west' wasn't a lie. 

How many work points does his family have now?

There was a work point from the two pigs. The fertilizer produced by the pigs also gained a work point. Zhou Qing Bai got ten work points. Father Zhou got eight work points. Lin Qing He also earned five work points. In addition to five work points, she also received 13 yuan in salaries. There were also subsidies like food coupons and fabric coupons.

Da Wa and Er Wa had grown up now. They would gather plenty of pigweeds after school and can earn one or two work points.

 Even though Mother Zhou didn't enter the field in the first half of the year, she would also scavenge for pigweed during the time when Zhou Xiao Mei had yet to deliver. Little Su Cheng had gotten bigger and ran behind San Wa like a tail. She didn't need to take care of him. So she gained a good amount of work points.

[Part 1] Back To The Sixties: Farm, Get Wealthy & Raise The CubsWhere stories live. Discover now