💜The Maiden from the Sea💜 |Part 2|

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Mermay AU

Tamaki Amajiki x Fem!Mer! Reader
Quirk: ???

~|(3rd Person's POV)|~

It's been months since Y/n and Amajiki met, and Y/n made a mistake and got caught by fishermen, who took her to an aquarium so that they can make great money.

Y/n tried her best to try and escape by she never even tried to turn her tail into legs and she kept getting caught by whatever she even tried to do, and she hid behind a large rock, hugging her tail close to her as she sobbed and cried, "This was a mistake..! Why did I even try and even think to see Tamaki again..?!"

Before then, the owner of the building put an alarming device on Y/n's (f/c) tail so that it'll sent off the alarm whenever she's trying to escape.

The coworkers put up a sign at the entrance of the aquarium, telling everyone that they've caught a new fish to show off to everyone, knowing that they'll make great money from the little mermaid from the sea.


"Heard that the aquarium caught a new fish," Fatgum said, looking at his phone.

Kirishima got excited, "We should go to there to see the new fish!"

"I'll pass," Tamaki said, having his head against the wall, "Too many people." "We'll be there with you, Tamaki!" Fatgum said, giving the boy a thumbs up.

Kirishima pulled out his phone and smiled, "I'm inviting my friends, Togata, Hado, and Eri with us so that it'll be really fun!"

I wanna go home... Tamaki thought.

It wasn't long before everyone arrived at the aquarium, where Eri was excited because she gets to see some fish for the first time.

Everyone wandered around in a group, where Tamaki found himself in a empty room with a few people, and he saw a huge fish tank filled with water and a little girl had her hands on the glass and smiled, "Mommy! Mommy! Where's the new fish! I wanna see her!" "Now now, dear," the mother said.

Amajiki looked around the tank when he saw a figure curled up in a ball, with their hair floating around them, making them looking like it's a rock or maybe a piece of coral, when one of the security guards grabbed his shoulder, "Oi, kid! The showing of the new fish doesn't start in ten minutes."

"S-Sorry, I-I'll leave," he said leaving to find his mentor and he looked down and thought, why did that thing or whatever is was, looked just like Y/n?

By the time it struck after ten minutes, it was finally the showing of the new fish.

Everyone gathered around in the large room with the big fish tank, where they sat in seats and Eri was on Mirio's shoulders, so that she can get a better view and Nejire started shaking Tamaki side to side by how excited she was, and the PA announced, "Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls! Welcome our brand new collection of our new fish; the Maiden from the Sea!"

The curtain opened up to reveal the girl from the sea, having her tail shimmering in the light having a sad frown on her face, and she was doing some dancing while she used her quirk to make unique things too.

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