Chapter 1

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I surveyed the area before spreading my wings and taking to the sky. The weather was ideal for my tastes, foggy and damp and shadowy, just barely light enough to see. There were few humans on the streets, and those that were out had collars turned up against the cold wind and damp fog. I wouldn't have been noticed, even if the humans could see demons.

I spotted the figure I was looking for below and angled myself downwards, alighting a few feet ahead of the figure, who had stopped midstep to check something on his mobile phone.

Folding my wings, I walked towards the man, who still had not looked up from his phone screen. I came to stand in front of the man, and had just raised a hand to the man's face, to take his soul, when warmth spread across my back. I turned, eyes quickly moving from the man who was about to become my victim to the figure new figure standing in front of me.

It was an angel. I could tell immediately by the ivory wings and golden aura cutting through the general dinginess of the area like a knife. A frown formed on my face. I was on demon business. This angel was out of place.

The angel flicked a lock of curly golden hair out of his face and grinned at me. I frowned in response.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, bluntly. "I'm busy and you're interrupting me."

Angels and demons acknowledged and tolerated the presence of the other beings, but avoided each other as much as possible. Sometimes fights would happen, and those never ended well. So I was fairly confused as to why this one was here. Smiling at me.

"Sorry," the angel said, shrugging his shoulders. "But you can't take this one."

I glared at him. "I'm acting on orders. I'm supposed to collect this soul. So go talk to Hades if you've got a problem."

The angel blinked, his eyes as blue as a clear sky. I found myself slightly distracted by these eyes, almost unable to pull my gaze away.

"Yeah, well, I'm on orders from Apollo. This one isn't meant to die yet."

I rolled my eyes. "And? So? I don't have to listen to your silly angel king."

"Still. You can't take his soul," the angel said, putting his hands in the pockets of his shorts and tilting his head slightly to the side, regarding me carefully.

"I can do what I want," I said, deepening my scowl. I was tempted to blast him with some death magic and be on my way, but I restrained myself. Angel deaths by demon hands, and vice versa, were fairly common, but there was all this explaining you had to do, and I didn't want the extra trouble.

"But I-" the angel said.

"Oh, shut up," I snapped. "I'm taking him, and there's nothing you can do about it."

I turned around, and found only the wet sidewalk. The man must have wandered off while the stupid angel and I were arguing.

I turned back to face the angel. "Now look what you've done. He's run off," I said, not exactly angry, just slightly inconvenienced.

"Oops," the angel said, with a grin that lit up his whole face.

"I hate you."


"Okay? Okay what? What's "okay" supposed to mean?" I asked, exasperated. "You know what, never mind. I don't really care. I need to go."

I unfolded my wings and took off in the direction I thought the man had went.

"Bye!" the angel called from below.

I turned around in midair, confused, and stared at him for a minute, then raised a hand. "Bye, I guess....."

The angel laughed.


I didn't feel like finishing my task. The encounter with that angel had left me feeling...strange. My chest felt tight in a way I didn't understand. However, I shook off the feeling and headed back to the Underworld.

After telling Hades about the encounter with the angel and explaining why I hadn't collected the soul of my target (Hades didn't care. "What's one less mortal soul among millions?" he said in a bored tone as he waved me away), I retreated to my room and tried to banish all thoughts of strange encounter with the angel to the back of my mind.


Yay, first chapter posted! The next chapters will be longer; sorry that this one's short. (Author's notes will be shorter, too, haha) The idea for the demons is based off of the demons in Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji (an anime). "My" demons take souls, like the Black Butler demons do, however, they are assigned specific souls by Hades, unlike the Black Butler demons. The angels exist as a counter to the demons, otherwise there would just be people dying left and right. I just thought I should say that so I don't get sued by Yana Toboso.

Sorry for the slight awkwardness of this chapter, I'm pretty bad at beginning chapters. Hope you enjoyed the first chapter!

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