Chapter 26

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As soon as Will had been out of the infirmary for a few days, the angels and demons decided to meet on neutral ground so Hades could get Will's testimony. I was so nervous I could have screamed.

Everyone met in an abandoned warehouse in the human world. Other than Hades and Apollo being egotistical and trying to one-up each other, everything went fairly smoothly. Relations between the groups were still a little stiff, but there wasn't any fighting, which was an improvement over the attitudes that were present a month ago.

Once Reyna and Jason, who had become sort of a team while I was visiting Will, had talked Hades and Apollo into behaving, we could finally get on with the last part of the trial. I sat at one end of the room with the other demons and  twisted my hands together nervously as Will walked to the center of the room and faced Hades and Apollo.

"So-" Apollo began to say

"This isn't an angel's trial," Hades interrupted. "Stay out of it. You're just here for security purposes."

"But this still involves one of my subjects," Apollo protested. 

"Oh, shut up anyways," Hades grumbled, scooting his chair away from Apollo's like an angry child. The tips of his wings drew lines in the dust on the ground.

Reyna sighed, rubbing her temples. "Please, Lord Hades, let's just get on with it."

Hades cleared his throat. "Yes, well, then, yes, we'll continue. So, you were in the park when Nico killed Octavian. Explain what happened."

"I was actually not conscious when that happened," Will said. "Octavian conveniently put me a coma."

"Oh, so you didn't see any of what happened," Hades said.

"No, I saw some of it," Will replied.

"So, what happened?" Hades said, sounding impatient. 

"Um, well, Nico and I were talking and then Octavian showed up and started accusing Nico of betrayal. They got into an argument, and Octavian started insulting you-"

"" Hades sounded appalled. His mouth had formed  perfectly round o. "I...I...he..Nico said he was planning to assassinate me, but he never said anything about insults."

"Yes. It makes sense now, why Nico was angry," Will said, nodding. "Octavian went as far as to insult you, the great and powerful lord of the underworld."

"I'm more powerful," Apollo said. "You should-"

"My lord, please," Jason hissed.

Apollo leaned his chair back on two feet and inspected the dusty ceiling. "Fine. Just hurry up, I'm getting bored."

Hades frowned. "Well, I completely understand Nico's actions, now. I just don't understand why you, an angel, were there."

I felt my stomach flip. Will looked at me. I shook my head slightly, trying to be discrete. He nodded in response.

"We're, um, friends," Will said. "That's it. He never passed me information or anything; we knew each other before the war started."

"You never discussed it with me," Apollo said, letting his chair fall forward on all four legs. "So there probably wasn't any spying."

"Like he does any of the management," Reyna muttered.

"Hmm. Well, angels and demons are technically allowed to be friends in times of peace, so..." Hades said. "Continue with your account of what happened."

I breathed a sigh of relief. Nobody had asked too much about the "friends" part, and Hades seemed pretty upset about Octavian insulting him, which was good for me.

"Well, after he committed such a capital offense," Will said. "I naturally told him that he would be a terrible leader, and then he attacked me."

"Oh," Hades said. He looked over at me. "So it wasn't unprovoked. Octavian had injured your friend, and, more importantly, insulted me."

I rolled my eyes. "No, I definitely didn't do it for no reason."

"Well, it wasn't totally senseless," Hades started. "But you did act without thinking. You could have just reported him for treason instead of killing him."

"Yes, I understand," I replied, wondering if I could get away with only a lecture. Apparently I was wrong.

"You still killed someone, which cannot go unpunished," Hades continued. "However, given Tue circumstances, I'm not going to kill you, or imprison you."

I frowned, confused. "Um, thank you for your graciousness. What's my punishment, then?"

"We're going to turn you human."
i remember trying to make this story serious when i first started writing but now i just have Hades and Apollo, who act like they're six and piss everyone off, and Nico and Reyna,who are sarcastic as fuck, and Octavian, who was a psychopath and this random, hole-filled plot. what even is this fic?

whatever it is, it's almost over. only 2 or 3 chapters left, woah.

hope you enjoyed this kinda awkward chapter. thanks for reading.

xo - lucy

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