Chapter 13

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I was standing in a shadow, about to leave the Underworld to hang out with Will, when Reyna's voice came from behind me. "Where are you going?"

I turned to face her, trying to think of a viable excuse. "Um, just out. You know, taking a break."

Reyna tipped her head sideways, her dark hair falling over her shoulder as she regarded me with cold eyes. "You seem to be taking breaks quite often."

"Well, you know," I said, shifting uncomfortably. "I don't really have anything better to do."

She sighed. "We're on the brink of war. You're needed for strategy meetings and-"

"Other things I don't actually want to be a part of," I finished. "I'm not Octavian. I don't want to kill all the angels. Why can't we just have peace?"


"It was a theoretical question," I snapped. Sighing, and softening my tone, I said, "Reyna, look, I'm sorry for snapping, but I just don't want to be here right now." I'd have much rather been with Will, but I didn't say that out loud. My little crush had grown slightly, since we last talked, and thinking about him made my stomach flutter a bit.

Reyna dragged a hand through her hair. "Fine." She looked up at me with a slight smile, to show me that she wasn't actually angry. "So, you're just going to leave me here to be pestered by Octavian and his moronic followers."

I wince. "Sorry. Anyway, they exhausted themselves at the meeting today, trying to get everyone to agree with whatever nonsense Octavian is spouting."

Reyna nodded, then turned and walked away from me, back toward Hades' palace. I exhaled loudly, then shadow-traveled to the park, once she was out of sight.


I'm not entirely sure what happened this chapter. I tried to make it long and not boring...but, apparently, nope, not happening. It's been so long since I wrote a new chapter; I've had absolutely no creativity in the past few days. I have a dance show coming up really soon, though, so I figured I should update now, even if it's kinda crappy, so there isn't a two-week gap between updates. Next update probably won't be until next Monday, at the soonest. Sorry. At least the next one will be interesting, though.

Also, I'm actually pretty excited about the fanart I found. It's somewhere around the story, if you didn't see it. It's not mine; I can't draw to save my life.

I swear to god, this author's note is longer than the actual chapter. 

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