Chapter 28

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i lied, this one's the last chapter. if you want to especially die from intense cuteness, listen to the song "100 Years" by Five For Fighting while you read. enjoy. also, sorry for the awkward cringey-ness of this chapter.


A few days later, I woke up in an apartment in the human world, wings gone, mortality ensured, sunlight filtering through the window. Will had an apartment next to mine, which I was incredibly grateful for. I couldn't imagine being separated from him with the constraints of this world.

Somebody had manipulated things to get me a job as a secretary for a large marketing corporation. Being a secretary mainly consisted of organizing things and brining coffee for Will, who had been staffed as the chief administrative officer. It was fairly easy, and not that different from what I had done for Hades.

I nearly choked when I first met our boss, Mr. Brunner. I immediately recognized him as the man whose soul I was supposed to take the day I met Will. I made eye contact with Will, who was trying not to laugh, and thanked Hades I had been too lazy to finish my assignment.

It wasn't too difficult adjusting to a human life. It was strange, having to remember to eat and I kind of missed flying, but it wasn't too bad after a while.

In the beginning, sometimes at night I would remember that we were going to die, and my stomach would drop and my heart would pound incredibly hard, but I would go over to Will's apartment and sleep with him until I stopped being afraid.

Once I got my fear of death stuff sorted out, life as a human was pretty great. Will and I could go on actual dates without hiding or constantly checking to see if anyone we knew was around. I tagged along once to the one of the times Will had to report to Reyna and Jason; the three of them treated it like a gossip session. Being human was the happiest I had ever been.

Three years later...

It was winter. The streets were knee deep with snow, but I had insisted on going out since we had a few days off from work.

Will had left me in the record store near his apartment, which I'd moved in to, to get coffee next door, but when he didn't come back for thirty minutes, I got hungry and went to look for him.

As I was leaving, I bumped into one of my friends from work, Bianca.

"Oh, hi Nico," she said, fixing her silvery parka. "Are you here with Will? I mean, Mr. Solace."

I laughed. She was one of the few friends from work who knew about our relationship."Yeah. He was supposed to be getting us food, but he's run off somewhere."

"Oh, I just saw him over by that jeweler's store," she replied, a strange look coming into her eyes.

"Oh, okay, thanks," I replied. "Well, see you soon, have a good day."

"Thanks, you too," she said, grinning broadly.

As I made my way in the direction of the nearest jeweler's, I mulled over what she'd said. Why did she have that expression on her face, and why was she smiling so muchAnd why was Will going to the jeweler's?

I was a few stores away when I caught sight of him through the Christmas shoppers.

"Will!" I called, weaving through pedestrians to grab his hand. "There you are. Thought you'd left me."

He kissed my cheek, eyes bright. "I'd never leave you."

He linked our fingers as we walked back home, and I noticed a bag in his other hand.

"What's that?" I asked. "Are you going to go full businessman on me and start wearing a watch?"

He shook his head and smiled. "It's a surprise. But don't worry, it's not a watch."

The next day, Will woke me up at six in the morning.

"Nico," he said, shaking my shoulder gently. "Wake up. We're going somewhere."

I yawned and sat up. "Why?"

"You'll see. Oh,and put on warm clothes; we're going to be outside."

"Mkay," I said sleepily.

Once I'd put on jeans and a sweater, plus my coat, Will dragged me out of the house and to the train station. 

"Where are we going?" I asked, sitting next to him in the empty car. 

"You'll see, in a second." He looked out the window after a few minutes. "We're almost there."

I turned slightly and looked out the window as well. The landscape seemed vaguely familiar. As the train screeched to a stop, I realized where we were.

"Why are we here?" I asked, stepping out of the train station. Across the street from us was the park where we had first met up, before we became human.

"You'll see," Will said again, hands in the pockets of his coat.

We crossed the street and a small field, interrupting the perfectly smooth snow with two pairs of footprints until we reached the bench and our tree. I walked slightly ahead of Will to lay a hand on the tree trunk.

"Wow, it's been so long," I said. "I kinda miss this place. We should come back again in summer and have a picnic or something." When he didn't reply after a few minutes, I turned around.

He had dropped to one knee, grinning up at me, a small velvet box in his left hand. A ring-sized box.


make of that what you will.

anyways, the end! hooray, everything ended up okay and now they're happy. i'm glad i didn't go with the mean author ending.

i'm going to do one last part with formal thanks, and a bit about what i'll be writing next, so that should be posted pretty soon.

thank you for reading this horribly cringe-y but kinda(?) cute last chapter. also, did you catch the two additional references i made to PJO? if you did, leave a comment telling me what they were :)

thanks so so so much for reading/commenting/voting, love you lots.

xo - romanticxchemicals

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