Chapter 18

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Will's troubled expression matched my own as I sat down beside him on the bench. 

"What's up?" he asked, and I felt myself blush a bit when our eyes met, in spite of all my worries. 

"War stuff," I said, leaning against him slightly. 

"So you heard the declaration." It wasn't a question.

"Yup," I replied. "They put me on defense strategy."

"At least you're not on the actual battlefield yet," he responded, with a little bit of happiness in his voice. Maybe he was worried about my safety? I thought, and immediately feel bad for worrying about our kind-of relationship when Will's life could be on the line.

"What about you?" I asked. "What are they making you do?"

"Don't worry; I'll be fine," he said, with a smile. "But yeah, they put me on offense."

My stomach dropped a bit when he said that, but I ignored it. He'll be okay, I think.

Will laughed a bit at my expression and kissed me on the cheek. "I swear, I'll be fine. Promise."

"You better keep that promise," I said, glaring. 

"Cross my heart."

"Good," I replied. I kiss him on the lips, but even before we break apart, I hear a voice behind me. We quickly turn around.

"I knew  it," Reyna said, walking out of the shadows. I can barely see her in the growing twilight. "You're-you're fraternizing with the enemy!"*

"Crap," I said loudly, and Reyna shot me a disapproving look. "Please, please, please don't tell Octavian or Hades or anyone. Please."

"Please?" Will added in, for good measure. Reyna switched her glaze to him, and he shrunk back, muttering "Sorry, sorry."

Reyna sighed, her expression softening. "Of course I'm not going to tell anyone. Octavian would go ballistic and Hades would exile you. Or kill you," she added, as an afterthought.

"Thank you, so, so much," I said, sighing. "You're the best."

"Except for the angel, apparently," Reyna said, pointing at Will and looking slightly hurt.

"Hey! 'The angel' has a name, you know," Will protested. "I'm Will."

"Probably not the best idea-" I started to say to him, but Reyna interrupts me.

"Well, Will," Reyna said, going back into dictator mode. "If you hurt him at all-"

"Geez, Reyna," I said, exasperated. "You're not my father, like on some human TV show."

"Still, I will kill you personally if you so much as make him worry," Reyna said, glaring at him.

"I'm going to kill you personally in a second," I muttered.

"Excuse me? Well, let me just say-"

"Reyna, seriously, I'm-"

Will began to laugh. We both stopped mid-sentence and stared at him. 

"What?" I asked, mystified.

"You two are hilarious," he said, getting up and walking around the bench to stand facing Reyna. "Is this really what goes on in the Underworld all day?"

"Yes," I said, while Reyna sputtered and protested. "Of course not! Everything is very organized."

"Okay, to be honest, it's mostly just the two of us," I admitted.

"'Cause he's too stubborn."

"I'm not. And anyway, you're-"

Will snickered again, and we both shot him glares.

"Like that!" he exclaimed. "You look exactly the same. Like siblings or something!"

"Shut up," we both replied, together, then glared at each other and began to argue again.

"Well," Will interrupted. "As amusing as this is, I've really gotta go back. See you tomorrow, Nico."

"Huh? Oh yeah, see you tomorrow!"

"No, he won't! I'm not letting Nico out of my sight until he falls asleep!" Reyna shouted after Will.

"You're not my mother; don't tell me what to do! And anyway, that's kind of creepy." I snapped. 

Reyna sighed. "Yeah, I know. I'm just trying to help you."

I sighed, too, and stood up. "I know. Ready to go back?"

"Yeah," she said, "We really should get to sleep; there's a bunch of meetings tomorrow, and we're doing phase one of the offensive plan." Yup, and we're back to the war, I think. 

I walked to her side. "Don't you ever wish that the angel/demon rivalry would stop?"

"On a daily basis, kid," she said, once we finished shadow-traveling back to the Underworld.

"Hey, don't call me kid, I'm technically older than you!"

"Yeah, but I-"

"Shush," I said.

Reyna tilted her head for a second, then grinned at me evilly. "No, you shush, or I'll tell Hades about your friend."

"I hate you." Ugh, what've I gotten myself into?

"You're going to be doing so much paperwork," Reyna said, grinning as she walked away.

"I can't believe you're blackmailing me!" I called after her, glaring at her back.

She only laughed, and walked into Hades' palace.


*Harry Potter reference, I'm that much of a fangirl.

I'm sorry it's been 40 million years since I updated. School started on Tuesday, and I've just been trying to get used to waking up at 5:30 am. I mean, that's way too early for any human being. Especially since I like to stay up until 3. Anyway, rant over.

I'm not really sure what happened in this chapter, but oh well, it's an update and it's important. Sorry for any mistakes; point them out to me if you find them. I'm actually kind of indecisive about the ending of the story right now. I want to use the "mean writer" ending, because it ends the war easily and wraps up the story in a meaningful way that ties in to the song that inspired it, but I want to use the "nice writer" ending so I don't mess up your emotions. What should I do? I'm literally so bad at making decisions. Anyways, next update should be in like a week.

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