Chapter 7

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"Hi," I said, landing next to the bench, where Will was already seated. I felt vaguely guilty about not being able to see him the day before, but if we wanted to continue this friendship, I had to throw off Reyna's suspicions.

"Hi," he replied, tilting his head slightly to look up at me.

I sat down beside him on the bench, shifting my wings so that they hung over the back of the bench comfortably. "You're not angry about me not coming, right?"

"No," he said, shaking his head slightly. "I understand. I was just a bit disappointed, that's all."

"Sorry," I said. "I couldn't help it."

"It's fine."

We sat there in uncomfortable silence for a few minutes.

"So," I said, finally breaking the quiet. "Um, how've you been doing?"

Will laughed. "It's only been forty-eight hours since I saw you last. I'm doing the same."

I grinned. "Me too."

"That's good," he replied. He looked at me curiously. "I was wondering, what do you do with your other friends? I mean, you don't just sit around and talk, like we do, right?"

"Friend. Singular." I corrected. "And we do talk, but not like this."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you know, we only ever talk about politics, or whatever's happening with Lord Hades."

"That sounds boring," Will said, wrinkling his nose.

Nico shrugged. "I guess. My friend, Reyna, is Hades' second-in-command, so her whole life is centered around that kind of stuff. Not really one of my favorite topics, but..."

Will laughed in amazement. "How did you two ever become friends?"

"We went on a mission for Hades together, and had to work with each other," I explained. "I don't really talk to people, in general, and neither does she, so we kind of stick together to avoid all the other demons we don't like. It was kind of a forced friendship though, so we're not that close."

"This is a forced friendship," Will said with a slight laugh, gesturing to the two of us.

"Well, yeah," I replied. "But I could've walked away whenever I wanted to."

"But you didn't."


"I'm glad."

"Me too," I answered. And I was glad that I did come to see him when he invited me. It was still strange to think of an angel as a friend, but I guess that's what we were now.


We fell into a routine after that initial day of not seeing each other. We came to the park most days, but when one of us didn't show, the other knew it was for something important, or because somebody was getting suspicious. I still had a bit of trouble accepting the fact that he was an angel and I was a demon, but it seemed less important than it did on that first day.

"Why were you so against the idea of angels and demons being friends?" Will asked me a few weeks later.

"I dunno," I replied. "I've been a demon for almost a century, and that whole time, especially in my early days of being a demon, there was almost no contact between angels and demons, so it just seemed strange. I'm over it now, mostly."

Will smiled. "That's good. I'm not going to stop hanging out with you because of some old-fashioned thinking."

"Are you implying that I'm old?"I attempted to glare at him, but failed. I never could stay angry at Will.

He laughed. "Of course not."


He grinned at me, and I grinned back.


Longer chapter up next, sorry for the short one.

Also, I was thinking about an au where Will just moved into the house next to Nico's (they're regular humans) and they get together over that summer. It needs some plot development, but once I get a good idea of where I want it to go, and once I finish this fic, I might write it, if that sounds interesting.

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