Chapter 8

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"Let's go swimming," Will said, looking over at me. "It's really hot out."

We were sitting together under our tree in the park, him leaning against the tree trunk, cross-legged, and me with my knees bent in front of me, arms loosely encircling my legs.

I gave him a skeptical look. "But our wings'll get wet, and it takes forever  for them to dry."

"We can just wade in up to our knees, or something," he suggested.

"Okay," I said, shrugging. "Where are we going?"

"Wait, really?" he asked, grinning. "I didn't think you'd actually agree."

I laughed. "It's a terrible idea; we might end up getting completely soaked, but it'll be fun, so I thought 'why not?'"

"Okay," Will said, seemingly surprised. "Anyways, we're going to this beach. It's a human beach, but it's kind of tucked away, so it's not too crowded, and I don't think any angels or demons will see us."

I nodded in appreciation. He must've known that I still didn't want anybody to find out that we were friends, so he must have chosen that beach in particular.

"Great," I said, pushing myself to my feet. "Lead the way."
We landed on the warm sand and I looked around, the wind from the sea blowing my hair up from my forehead.

"It's actually pretty nice here," I said, walking down the beach to the water.

I watched Will nod in my peripheral vision as he walked to stand beside me. "One of my favorite places, actually. The sun is really nice, like it is today."

I grinned. "Well, you know me, I don't really like sun, but I think the sea looks nice."

"Yeah. Anways, it's too warm to sit around talking," he complained. He sat down and pulled off his shoes, then stood back up and stepped into the water, which came up to his ankles.

"True," I replied, shrugging, also taking off my shoes and walking into the water beside him.

"You don't mind that your pants are getting wet?" Will asked.

I was wearing full length black skinny jeans, as usual, which were now soaked through around my ankles. I regarded the patches of darker fabric and shrugged. "Not really. It's only my wings that don't dry quickly."

He waded in up to his knees, wings grazing the top of the water.

I followed, stopping a few feet away. "You know I can't go that far into the water," I said, fake glaring at him. Our height difference wasn't that great, but my wings would still be about three inches underwater, and that was too deep for me.

Will laughed. "Oh, come on, wet wings aren't that bad."

"Oh yeah?" I asked, scooping up some water and splashing it in his face. 

"Hey!" he said, trying to glare at me.

I smirked, until he splashed me back. Water dripped off the end of my nose. "Will!"

"Sorry!" he said, laughing. He began to back away as I reached down to splash him again. I looked up when I heard a loud splash, and realized he'd tripped and fallen over.

Will came up again soaking, half-laughing and half-choking, which made me begin to laugh. While I was distracted, he splashed me again, then moved farther away from shore. 

I wiped water from my eyes and considered him for a second, grinning, then shrugged and ran after him, the bottoms of my wings dragging in the water. I realized I didn't actually care that much about keeping dry at this point. He backed away quickly, splashing me as he did.

When I got within arms' reach, he leaned forward and pushed me over. I went under, but, in a moment of split-second survival instincts, grabbed onto his arm as I fell and dragged him under as well. We both came up laughing and completely soaked.

Will went farther into the water, up to the middle of his chest, which below the shoulders for me when I followed him. He ducked underwater. I felt his fingers close around my wrist and he dragged me underwater as well.

We both opened our eyes. I mouthed I hate you, then grinned and went back to the surface, pulling him with me.

"Did you say that hate me?" he said, pressing a hand to his heart in false hurt.

I nodded, trying to keep a straight face. "Yes; you're a terrible person."

"Oh shut up, I'm an angel."
Later, he sat next to me on the beach. I was on my stomach, wings spread so that the sun shone on the dark feathers, causing little rainbows to appear, the way that oil sometimes shines with rainbows.

Will brushed wet hair out of his face. "Well, that was fun."

"Yeah," I replied, resting my head sideways on my arm, facing him.

"Are you tired?" he asked, starting to smirk.

"No," I said defensively, snapping my head back up and propping myself up on my elbows. "Sleep is for the weak."

Will laughed. "But sleep is wonderful."

"Not on the beach," I replied. "What if, I dunno, a pelican poops on your face?"

"You're a soul-stealing, person-killing demon and you're worried about pelican poop?"

"Yes! Also, it's not stealing."

"It kind of is."

"Yeah, but it wasn't my idea," I said, standing up and stretching.

"Wings dry?" Will asked, taking the hand I extended to him and letting me pull him to his feet. 

"Not completely," I said, wrinkling my nose.

"Your fault for splashing me first."

"Shut up," I said, slapping his arm.

"Ow!" he replied, indignantly. "I hate you."

"I can't believe you'd use my own words against me," I teased.

He grinned. "Only because they weren't true."

"What about just now?"

"Not true either."
I'm off for summer break!! I'll probably update A LOT while I'm not in school, but there's also gonna be weird gaps (i.e. update two days in a row, then no updates for a week). Sorry for the general crappiness of this chapter; I'm having a bit of a writers' block, and had to try really hard not to make everything an innuendo. God knows I add enough of them already. 

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