Chapter 12

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That afternoon marked exactly a week since Will and I had last spoken, and although I was relieved he still wanted to be friends, I did wonder if he would still wait for me after a week. It would be just my luck to finally find his note after he'd decided to give up.

Pushing my anxiety aside, I checked the time, and shadow-traveled to our meeting place, still too worried to fly. I couldn't see far in the dim light once I'd reached the location, but I could see the outline of a figure standing by the bench. 

"Will?" I asked, walking over to him, with a sigh of relief. Will turned to face me, and I could see his facial features.

"Nico!" His tone was one of happiness, with just a hint of relief. 

He moved towards me, and enclosed my shoulders in a hug, his fingers brushing against feathers. I tensed up, and could feel my face turning red at our close proximity, before I hesitantly put a hand on his back.

Will pulled away with a half smile that was barely discernible in the dark. "I was giving up hope that you'd get the note."

I smiled back, my face still flushed. "I guess we have to thank boring demon 'hypothetical war' conferences. I wouldn't have come earlier if the meetings weren't so uninteresting."

" were okay with not talking?" I could hear disappointment and hurt in his voice.

"No, definitely not. I just didn't want to come here and not see you," I replied quickly. 

Will grinned, and I could hear relief in his voice, like he probably could in mine. "Good, I was hoping you wouldn't leave me just yet."

I wanted to say something cheesy, like I'll never leave you, Will, but it was such a couple-y thing to say, considering we weren't a couple, not that I hadn't been thinking about that kind of thing. 

So, instead, I laughed, and said, "Nope, you're stuck with me for now. By the way, how's your friend doing? The one who was in the fight."

"Oh, Jason," Will said. "Yeah, he's doing okay. He'll live, but he can't really move much. The magic took a lot out of his immune system."

I nodded. "That's good. Any more deaths on either side and there's gonna be war."

"There might be war anyways," he replied. "Without any more deaths, I mean."

"Everyone keeps saying that," I remarked. "That war's inevitable. I hope it doesn't happen."

It had darkened considerably in the few minutes we stood there, talking. I could barely make out his outline in front of me. 

I shifted my wings. "I should probably go. I'm not usually out this late, so someone might get suspicious."

"Yeah, me too," Will said. 

I heard him unfolding his wings, and then he said, "I'm glad we can still talk, and stuff. See you tomorrow?"

I smiled in the darkness, even though I knew he couldn't see it. "Yeah, see you."


Grrr sorry it's short and kind of boring. I started writing with some inspiration, but after the first 15 lines, I got TERRIBLE writers' block. Also, has anyone found any Solangelo demon x angel fanart? I've been looking everywhere and I can't find any. Anyway, I hope this wasn't too boring.

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