Chapter 10

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"'Maybe' what?" I asked Will, hoping he didn't hear the degree of worry rising in my voice.

"Maybe we should stop...this," he said, gesturing between us. "You know. Meeting up so often."

I laughed, at first, thinking he was joking. "Hilarious, Will."

"No, I'm not kidding." I met his eyes, his expression deadly serious. I felt my smile fall as well.

"Oh my..." I said, slightly exasperated. "Seriously Will?"

"Well, yeah," he said, looking slightly sheepish.

"Just a few weeks ago, you were the one lecturing me on accepting the fact that angels and demons generally don't get along," I accused.

"Yeah, I know, but maybe you were right," he said, dropping his gaze. "I just, I dunno, I don't... I mean, what if there is a war?"

"'This' wouldn't make any difference in a war." Even I could hear the desperation in my voice. I don't know why I was trying to hold onto 'this' so tightly, possibly because it was my first friendship by choice.

"It wouldn't," he admitted. "But we would actually have to fight. Maybe even against each other."

"That's avoidable, though," I argued.

"They'll notice if we're missing," Will said resignedly. "Somebody's gonna think it's weird that we keep disappearing when we're supposed to be fighting a war."

I didn't have anything to say to that, so I closed my mouth. Ironically enough, it was in that moment that I first noticed how good-looking he really was. I'd never thought of that before, really. I was convinced to be his friend because of his personality, but I guess the prospect of letting him go made me realize how I really liked him, and actually wanted him to stay with me.

"You know," I said, looking at him from under my bangs as his eyes lifted to meet mine. "From the way you're talking, I almost think you want this to happen."

"Not really, but..." Will trailed off for a second. "It's better doing it now than later, being forced too."

"I guess that's true," I said unwillingly.

"So. Maybe we should...just...not do this...until things cool down?" He phrased it as a question, and I wanted to answer "no."

"Yeah," I said instead, forcing a lightness into my voice. It sounded false in my head, and probably sounded false to Will, but I continued anyways. "Great. Fine."

I stood up and looked down at him. He wasn't looking at me, eyes fixed on his hands, which were laced together tightly in his lap.

I gave a choked laugh. "I guess 'see you later' is the wrong thing to say, so I guess...bye."

"Bye," he replied quietly.

I walked away, looking over my shoulder once, hoping he was watching me go. He wasn't.


I shadow-traveled to the beach we'd gone to the day before; flying didn't seem appealing right then. I stood on the edge of the water. Small waves lapped gently around my shoes. Of course he left me on the day I realized I like him, as in like him. I knew he was only dong it to save us pain later, and obviously he was torn up about it, too, but it still hurt. I sighed and pressed my fingers into my temples, then turned and left.


Ooh, conflict and feels. Back on schedule with updates, thank god. Sorry it's not longer, but at least I left you on a bit of a cliffhanger.

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