Chapter 25

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After a few days, Will had regained enough strength to sit up in bed, and walk around a bit. I wasn't sure whether I was supposed to keep coming, now that he was conscious, but I think the angels trusted me more, since I hadn't tried to murder him as soon as he woke up, so I decided to keep coming. The alternative was staying in Hades' palace and going to the trial/meeting things, which were formalities at this point, since Hades and the other demons hadn't gotten Will's version of what happened.

It was strange to be with Will in the infirmary. We talked, but not very comfortably; the supervision from doctors and guards made it hard to have any kind of real discussion. It actually kind of hurt, to be physically with him but not able to speak freely or kiss, or hold hands, or anything vaguely romantic. 

The doctors said he'd be able to come to the Underworld and give a testimony in a week or two, a date that I eagerly counted the days until, and, at the same time, dreaded immensely. If Hades was convinced by what Will said, it would probably be the end of the trial. I could feel people losing interest, which was good for my case, because proclaiming innocence would be much less work for Hades. I think doing as little work as possible was Hades' main goal in life.

However, I was also worried that we'd have to talk about being a couple. I was doing a pretty good job of not alluding to it, I hoped, but it might be harder with Will there, and that information would definitely make things harder for everyone. They could overlook little things, but not something this big.

I brought up the trial stuff with Will one day, when there were only few people in the infirmary and Reyna was off discussing something with Jason. "So, they want you to come to Hades' palace and give a testimony. For my trial thing."

"'Trial thing?'" Will asked.

I shrugged. "You know how Hades is. Nothing's really happening right now; there's absolutely no organization. It's basically a bunch of people sitting around in a meeting room and staring at each other awkwardly until Reyna dismisses everyone. I think everyone just wants to get all of this over with."

"That's good, then," Will replied, shifting so that his wing fell over the side of the bed and brushed the floor. "Hopefully they'll believe me and say that you're innocent."

"As long as we don't say anything about us being more than friends," I said, cringing at the awkward phrasing. "I think everything will work out."

"Wow, you got super positive while I wasn't around," Will said, grinning at me from under his bangs.

"You sound so surprised," I replied, leaning forward in my chair and propping my chin up on one hand. "Seriously, though, it was optimism or pessimism, and I don't think I could've handled all that emotional stress."

Will laughed. "You almost sounded like a normal person with normal feelings there."

"Hey, that's not nice," I said, glaring. 

His voice dropped to a whisper, so nobody would overhear, but he couldn't keep the smile off his face. "Love you too."

As Reyna and I were leaving, I realized that it was the first time either of us had said anything to the other about love. My stomach felt fluttery, and I smiled in spite of the awkwardly painful meeting I was supposed to attend.


boring (and short) chapter, sorry. i kinda want to time skip to the interesting (dramatic?) part but that feels like cheating.

thanks for reading this chapter, hope you enjoyed it.

xo - romanticxchemicals

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