Chapter 2

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Yunjin's POV

Today was the last day we have to do whatever we wanted, then tomorrow, was the start of our work.

I kinda hate it that it's almost 2 weeks and I, seems to be awkward to other members.

Yeah, there's a time I felt comfortable, especially when I'm with Sakura-unnie and Chaewon-unnie.

But mostly, I felt uncomfortable when I always see Kazuha, clinging to Jiwoo.

For me, it's annoying. But what can I do? I can't just tell Kazuha to back off since we aren't the same as before.

We used to hang out every time, since the first time we met.

I fell for her, and I realized it when she only has some few times to stay at America.

I want her back. But how?

What if she already moved on? Or she was already married? She's so young to marry someone. But what if?

I really don't have chance?

I love her, I really do.

And I hate it that Kazuha always need to break the chance where me and Jiwoo can talk.


"Garam.. Come on.. You're literally the most peaceful member here.. I, can only have you as my roommate.." Garam looked at me, and nodded.

She seems to get my idea.

I want to be Jiwoo's roommate to fix everything and to talk to her peacefully.

"But— unnie, look. We should just arrange the room by ages. Also, look at Eunchae, already clinging on me.." I silently laughed at the two, they're being soft and sweet these days huh.

I can see Sakura-unnie and Chaewon-unnie, just watching them.

I didn't even notice that there's a tall girl coming to our direction. I only noticed it when she wrapped her arm on my shoulder.

"And Yunjin-unnie seems to like you as her roommate." My heart beats fast as I worried. What if she decline? Or she just walk away?

"Eh? Is it even by ages? If we'll arrange the rooms by that, then me and unnie should be sharing a room! Yunjin-unnie should share with Sakura-unnie and Chaewon-unnie." Kazuha butted in making my blood boil.

'please don't agree..'

"O— kay? I mean, Kazuha has a point." I felt my heart sank as I heard it. Feeling hurts, I sat down at the nearest seat while listening at them.

"Ugh!! Unnie! I thought you want some peace!" Eunchae argued pouting. "Oh chill, okay. What do you want me to do then?" They didn't answered. Instead, they looked at me. Including her.

"Uhh.." I was about to explain that we need to talk but before I could say another word, Kazuha butted in again.

"Guys, cut that out. I thought we'll be hanging out today? Me and Unnie will prepare now.. Bye! " The two youngest just shrugged their shoulder and nodded.

While the two oldest, walked towards my direction and patted my shoulder.

"I know you two has an issue. Leave that for now and let's enjoy the day.." Sakura-unnie said before walking away.


"Unnie!!" I jolted from my seat when Eunchae grabbed my shoulder and yelled. "What?" I asked, still have my eyes close.

Maybe It's Destiny..- Le Sserafim (Huh Yunjin) Fanfic [Currently Editing]Where stories live. Discover now