Chapter 13

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Third Person's POV

"Call Yunjin for me." The angry looking CEO, suddenly said while looking at his phone, reading those articles he never wanted to see anymore.

"Fuck it, JypE to cancel Their collaboration for the girls? He got me kidding."

Breaking news, Soloist Jo Yuri and Le Sserafim's Yunjin are dating?

In the first photo, you can see how close they are with each other at their produce 48 days.. They seems to be having fun.

While at the second photo, you can see that Yunjin, was talking to a girl, who's known as Jo Yuri. There, the face can't be seen but those people inside the café confirmed that is was Jo Yuri.

Back before at the survival show Produce 48, there's an article about their relationship.

Based on the other trainees, they're also shocked when they saw them acting lovey-dovey, even in front of the cameras.

"They're always like that, and in that time, they're dating. I think they are still together now, cause I can see how desperate Yuri's eyes when she's about to meet her"

"I'll admit it, I'm jealous. Not because I like Yunjin, but I love Yuri. She caught my attention since start and was planning to ask her out, not until I found out that they are together."

"They're so cute! Seeing them like that, sometimes made me lose my appetite but they actually are lovely couple inside.."

Based on these trainees, we can see that they are a real couple. While, before, we also thought that Jiwoo and Yunjin are dating, which was a fake news.

So, we're still finding more evidence to confirm that they're really dating, let's support the new couple!

What do you think about the article? Read more here:


*Ding dong

"Did you invite someone?" Jiwoo asked, as she laid her head on Garam's shoulder. "I didn't unnie, maybe Yunjin unnie does?" Kazuha looked at Yunjin, who's currently blowing her hair with a blower.

"Why me? I did-" She was cut off when Chaewon stood up and opened the door.

"Annyeong haseyo (Hello), What can we do for you?" The staff smiled and looked inside, directly at Yunjin.

"Bang-PD nim is lookinh for Yunjin.." Yunjin raised her eyebrows, but just nodded and told the staff to wait.

"Just a minute..." She hurriedly fixed herself and looked at the members. "I'll comeback later.. Continue the movi marathon" She smiled and was about to leave but stopped when Jiwoo stood up and ran towards their direction.

"I'll come with her unnie!" She told Sakura and Chaewon, as she smiled brightly, without knowing the glaring Kazuha at the girl beside her.

'Is Yunjin always her first option? Did she love her so much huh?' She clenched her hand as the thought of them, beinf together came inside her head.

"But unnie I thought we'll gonna watch!" She spoke at the calmest way as she can, not wanting the other members to notice her sudden jealousy.

"Yeah, but I think I-" Kazuha stood up and walked away, entering their sgared bedroom. "What's with her?" Eunchae asked and smiled innocently, The olders knew what Garam and Eunchae was up to, and it's making Kazuha jealous.

At the first, they disagreed about it but agreed afterwards so Kazuha will soon stop loving the girl that loves their other member, Yunjin. Of course, the lowkey couple never knew the plan, because, just like what Garam says, "It's a secret"


"Yes... Ceo-nim?" Bang-PD looked at her, and noticed that the other girl was tailing behind her. "Jiwoo.. Can you leave for a while? It's an important and private talk with her.." Jiwoo pursed her lips and nodded before saying her goodbye to Yunjin.

While walking out, she can't stop wondering why the CEO was suddenly mad with Yunjin.

Did they get caught again? Then why is it only Yunjin? Right?

Something's happening

Yunjin's POV

I took a seat in front of Bang-pd nim, without forgetting to take a bow and greeting the CEO.

"Yunjin, do you have something to tell me?" I looked at him confusedly, raising my eyebrows and parting my lips slightly, to show that I don't know what he is even saying.

He quickly handed me a portfolio, taken aback when I realized what was there.

'The fuck'

I looked at it and noticed that it was a picture of me and Yuri back then when we're still dating.


"Explain briefly, and please. Make an apology video about this issue. Many people were targeting the other artist, and it caused so damn problem." I gulped and nodded my head.

"I- Pd-nim, I-I don't wanna lie about this but-, we broke up a long time ago, we aren't together any-anymore.." I don't even know why am I terrified with the fact that Jiwoo might see this, maybe because I knew that this can ruin everything.

My feelings, her feelings, her trust and- I'm not saying that maybe, just maybe she likes me. But, I don't want to hurt her like I did before.

I'm tired of her ignoring me, and I know that I'll lose her trust If she thinks that I'm lying about liking her.

"Sir, please listen to me. We're not together anymore, we broke up after the show" I anxiously replied, which I realized that is kinda loud.

"Yunjin, actually. There are a ton of proof about you two." He grabbed his phone and opened a contact, clicking the link and showing me the news.

'Fuck- I don't even meet her these days'

"I, I never met her again after their group's debut, you know that I am so busy in training, right?" He rubbed his head and looked at me sternly.

"Are you kidding me Huh Yunjin? Do you think they'll lie about this?" I sighed and proceeded to dig more into the photos..

"No, but why aren't you believing your own artist?" He looked at me and sighed, muttering a small 'Right' and 'sorry' after.

As I dig more, I noticed that every photos were taken by someone in a show, just like a spy. But, I brushed it off when a photo caught my attention.
"Sir-" He looked at me curiously, peeking at the picture I am showing him.

"Th-this is not Yuri. I'm not with her this time, this... I'm with Jiwoo.." He took the picture from my hand and examined it, noticing that it was the same as Y/n's outfit the day the photo was taken, the CEO looked at me intensely and,

"Talk about this issue later at the live broadcast..."

'Crap, does that mean she'll still know?'


Hey guys, good day! I'm really really sorry for not updating for months. I had a trouble in studying these days and, I don't have that much time to use phone.

Not only that but, I also lost my watt pad app before, and I took a long time to restore the app so, I haven't updated.

So, I'm really sorry, as in, really. I'll try to update more as soon as possible, but I'm not sure when.

Anyways, have a good day/night! I missed you all and I'm hoping to get more support, eh?

Thank you and love yah! Don't forget to vote on each chapter! Hihi

Maybe It's Destiny..- Le Sserafim (Huh Yunjin) Fanfic [Currently Editing]Where stories live. Discover now