Chapter 9

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Jiwoo's POV

"Does Chaewon-unnie and Sakura-unnie knows?" I shook my head when I heard Garam.

Shit. What am I going to do now?

I was starting to panic but was calmed down when I felt Haewon's hand on mine.

I lookes at her only to catch her looking at me already with a smile.

"Just please keep it a secret for now. We promise that we'll be revealing this.. But not now." I then saw Garam nodded her head at Haewon.

"O-okay unnies? I'll go now.." She stood up and passes us. I heard her mumbled a thing thast I didn't really heard clearly. But I'm sure that I heard Yunjin's and Kazuha's name.

"So that means.. Neither one of Yunjin-unnie and Kazuha-unnie has a chance"


"I want to meet up with you for our new upcoming project. Did your CEO told you about this already, Lily?" The called girl looked at the CEO and smiles at him.

"Yes pd-nim. Actually, he already told us what project it is.."

"Yeah.. It's a collaboration album for you all." The girls smiled and high fived at each other showing that they really like the idea.

And I like it too. But what will happen if they found out about me and Haewon?

"Ah pd-nim.. Please excuse me.. I'll use the bathroom for a bit." He nodded at me and let me walk pass them.

Before I could ever turn the doorknob, I heard Yunjin said the same thing I said, followed by Haewon who suddenly held my arm and laughed at me.

The others looked at us confusingly not knowing what's happening with the two of us.

I just scratched my nape as I lightly nodded my head and open the door before stepping out with Yunjin and Haewon, tailing me.


"Hey wait up leader-nim!" Haewon shouted when I started running away. She held my arm making me face her.

"Haewon. What do you want?" I asked her and looked away with my eyebrows knitted together.

"Why suddenly acting grumpy?" She asked me and pulled me closer. "You know.. Someone might see us." She finally removed her hand and laughed at me.

"Then let's go now.. You're going to the bathroom right?" I smiled when I saw Yunjin behind her. She looked behind and clicked her tongue.

"What's with you?" I raised my eyebrows and started walking towards Yunjin. "I'm jealous." I stopped walking when I heard her say, making me look at Yunjin who's staring at us already.

"Haewon... Come on" She looked at Yunjin and chuckled bitterly. "Do you like her? You kept on going with her." I shook my head and shrugged.

"Yunjin." She looked at me, with hurtful eyes. Did she just—

Think that I don't like her? I do— it's just.. I don't know. I think I, love Haewon. Or not? Fuck it.

"I'll go to the bathroom now. I think if you two come inside you'll take long time." She walked pass on me and entered at the bathroom door.

I looked at Haewon in disbelief and sighed. "What if they found out? I told you to don't act like that." She scoffed and pouted afterwards.

"But I'm jealous. You always pick her. Even before you two always hang out" She then walked pass me and started walking towards the meeting room.

I sighed and scratched my nape.

'What kind of situation did I get myself into again?'


"Unnie.. You seems so down today." Kazuha sat down beside me in my bed and looked at me. "It's nothing Kazuha." I told her but she just shook her head.

"You were okay before you go out with the two. Is there something happened?" I sighed heavily and laid down, looking directly at the ceiling.

"I messed up." She laid down beside me and looked at me directly. "On what exactly unnie" I faced her and noticed how close our face was.

But It didn't bother me.

"You shouldn't know Kazuha." She looked away from me and pouted. "But.. You know you can tell me anything." She bit her lower lip, suppressing her smile.

"Why are you smiling?" She asked me making me chuckle and to reach her cheeks, gently squeezing it.

"Your cheeks are red, your trying not to smile.. You're so cute.." She looked away from me and hid her face under my blanket.

I laughed at her and hugged her waist, since I'm a lot smaller than her.

"Thank you Kazuha.." She slowly peeked her head at me still with her reddish cheeks, and pouting lips.

"Thank you.. For always checking on me.. And making me happy. You all make me feel happy but, you make me feel special.. You're like.. Special to me.. " Kazuha tightened her hold at the blanket making me laugh softly.

Special to me, after Yunjin, of course. She's the be—

"Are you sleeping now Zuha-yah?" Kazuha stayed silent, but I'm sure she wasn't sleeping yet. I can feel how her waist gently move.

"Maybe? Then goodnight Zuha-ssi.." I closed my eyes and slowly drifted to dreamland.

Third Person's POV

Kazuha peeked out her head from the blanket and looked at the smaller girl, who's peacefully sleeping now.

Kazuha can't help but to smile at the sight and then thought how the older girl called her special.

"Special am I? Wah~ if you just know how it affected me unnie.. If you just know, If you just know how I love you" The tall girl pouted and scooted closer at the older girl.

She slowly, placed a peck on the other girl's lips, not knowing that someone is watching them.

"Really.. Kazuha.. You naughty kid" The girl started walking away and gently closing the door shut.


"Where did you go little kid?" Chaewon asked the girl, who just entered their room.

"Yeah, you suddenly disappeared and just entered now.. Where did you go?" The japanese girl then followed.

"I think Nakamura Kazuha was really making a move. Is she trying to steal my girl?" Yunjin sat down at her bed and closed her eyes, not wanting to hear any respond from the other two.


Welcome me back hehe...

I'm so freaking busy these days, I need to wake up at 4 am to get ready for school then sleep at 7 pm after I got home from school at 2 pm.

Also need to do some activities and assignments.. So, sorry really for having no time updating.

Maybe It's Destiny..- Le Sserafim (Huh Yunjin) Fanfic [Currently Editing]Where stories live. Discover now