Chapter 4

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Third Person's POV

"Don't be a dummy. You seriously didn't see that? That's my mother's personal driver. And I think they're following us so... We should act." Oh Haewon held the other girl's hand, pulling her closer.

"Yeah, yeah. I didn't notice. And you know, I think we can't act since I don't know how to be romantic.." The taller girl replied. Looking at Haewon, she tried to stop herself from blushing, remembering the kiss.

"But I know how to. You're seriously blushing right now.." Jiwoo looked away and hid her face on her hair.

"Ey, so cute!!" And, she blushed more. While Haewon, smiled at the sight.


"You know.. Congrats on your group's debut." The both girls entered a café, with their mask of course.

"Yeah thank you. It's been a week and we'll be having our first performance on Music Bank.." They found a empty spot and walked towards it.

Jiwoo sat down, while Haewon remained standing. The taller girl looked at her, confused on why she wasn't sitting down.

"We're at the café, not at a restaurant" The other girl seems to understand it and just nodded.

"What do you want to get?" Haewon asked. "You sure you'll be the one who's going to buy? I can buy.. You know.." jiwoo then replied, while Haewon just shook her head.

"You sit down there dear.. Just tell me what you want." She smiled at Haewon and sighed.

"Just a cappuccino and a mango cake love.." This time, Haewon was the one who blushed, quickly walking away to hide it on the other girl.

On the other hand, Y/n chuckled and wiggled her eyebrows at the latter.

"So can be flirty too, huh.." She whispered lowly so no one will hear it. Well, maybe not. "Who?" She jumped on her spot before turning around, seeing the one and only Bae Jinsol.

"What are you doing here?" She asked the girl, who's just behind her, waiting in line too.

"To buy of course. Jinni-unnie and I planned to buy for everyone but you're nowhere to be found. You should be questioning yourself. Are you dating someone?" She started wiggling her eyebrows at the older, having a teasing smile on her lips.


"Next." Luckily, the lady in the counter saves her. She smiled at the lasy and tell her orders.


"Unnie, wait!" Bae followes Haewon, making the latter stop on her tracks.


"When are you going to our dorm?" Bae asked.

"Later. Go home now.. I have a date.." She looked at Jiwoo who's busy on using her phone. "Ayiee!!" She slapped Bae's arm and gently pushed the girl away.

"Okay fine. Sorry unnie. But make sure that you'll introduce her to us or else.." Bae smiled and patted the olders head.

"Or else what?"

"Lily-unnie will be sad for sure.." Bae whispered the first part, confusing Haewon.

"Who?" She asked but the taller girl just shook her head. "Go home safe unnie, bye bye.." She waved her hand and walked away.

Haewon started walking towards her called 'fiance' and smiled at the sight of her smiling ear to ear.

She might be wearing a mask but she can tell that she's smiling because of how her cresent eyes appeard.


"Wanna come at our dorm for a while?" They stepped inside the car, with their hands intertwined together.
They looked at the driver secretly, and caught that he's giving them a amused gaze? Or something.

"Uhm.. I think I'll go with you the next time." Jiwoo replied as she rested her head on Haewon's shoulder.

It was an act only, but it feels like she really like it. Is it because she missed Yunjin so much?

Actually, she and Yunjin always hang out, hold hands, sleep together and even hugged each other.

Or maybe, her heart finally gave up and fell to Haewon? What about Yunjin?

She.. Wants to end the engagement so she won't hurt Yunjin if she ever finds out. She loves Yunjin, and maybe Haewon too. So what should she do?

She don't want to hurt Haewon either, cause she know how much the girl loves her, even she can't reciprocate the feelings, yet.

"You okay hun?" The driver secretly smiled, before pulling out his phone and recording the conversation of the two.

He seems to be falling at the act. But for Haewon, it was real. She tried to think that atleast this day, the other girl loved her back.

"Yes. I'm fine.. Just tired.." Haewon nodded and patted the girl's head.


"This is your MC Sunghoon"

"And this is Wonyoung.. We are, Jangkku!"

"So for today, we have Le Sserafim who just debuted this past week, aren't you excited about it Wonyoung?" The other MC smiled and looked at her partner.

"Of course I am! I heard that they got pretty songs and album sales.. They got popular easily.."

"Yeah.. That's right. Sakura and Chaewon was your members before, how do you feel?" Sunghoon asked the girl, who's smiling brightly as usual.

"Of course I'm happy that they finally debuted again.. So.. Let's welcome"

"Le Sserafim!!" They chorused.

They started interviewing the group and proceeded to the back stage to prepare.


The members started to cry out of joy, as they heard the MC's, mentioned their group.

"Congratulations Le Sserafim!! Let's hear some words from you.. jiwoo.."

Jiwoo smiled at the camera and positioned her mic.

"Thank you so much to our fans... Staffs who supported and helped us.."

"And also at our CEO-nim!" They cheered and all smiled at the camera.

After a few minutes, they started singing their song.


"Wah.. What a tiring day.." The girl's entered the dorm and started walking towards their each rooms.

Due to tiredness, they ended up sleeping at their bed after removing their make up only.

While Kazuha, she can't sleep even tho she's so tired.

"Kazuha?" Jiwoo called for the girl, who's staring at nowhere. "You still awake?" Kazuha snapped her head at the older one, smiling afterwards.

"Just.. Can't sleep unnie.." She replied, still not looking away from the other girl. "Do you perhaps.. Want some cuddles?" The younger girl's eyes twinkled, hearing what the older one said.

"S-sure unnie.." A red tint appeared on her cheeks. As she watched the girl, sat down on her bed.

"Come on.." She opened her arms wide to hug Kazuha, but she happened to be the small spoon on the two.

"Goodnight Zuha-ssi.." Kazuha looked down at her small unnie. "Ye-yeah unnie.. Goodnight." She smiled as she switched the situation.

Now, Jieoo was the one who's on Kazuha's arm.

And Kazuha being Kazuha, smiled widely as she fell asleep easily.


Yung grammar ko help, parang may mga mali

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Maybe It's Destiny..- Le Sserafim (Huh Yunjin) Fanfic [Currently Editing]Where stories live. Discover now