Chapter 16

168 7 2

Jiwoo's POV

The sounds of birds chirping wakes me up as well as the motion that makes a ticklish feeling on my waist. As I looked up, I noticed that Yunjin and I are sleeping together– cuddling on my own bed.

Looking up at her, I couldn't help but to blush as the sun ray strikes her face– her features are well highlighted, and the way her face just look so innocent while she is sleeping.
Smile crept up on my face as I remembered what happened last night. After I arrived at the dorm, I thought she's going to scold me or rather shout at me, annoyed that I kept on leaving and staying out late at night.

But, I met a worried Yunjin instead. Well, of course, I never know she'll be 'worried' at me again. Since it has been months after we lost communication, I am so so so happy that we are okay... as for now.

Turning the door open, I stepped in and glanced inside the dorm. The light is on, but I can't see anyone. Maybe they forgot to turn it off. Or maybe, Yunjin waited for me? Impossible.

She don't even care about me now. She's probably mad at me right now. I entered and took a deep sigh, ready to get into mine and Kazuha's shared room.

But before I could step up at the stair, someone pulled me by the waist and kept me secured on their arms.

"Please.. Please don't leave and wander around so late at night alone again.." I heard Yunjin. I can feel her eyes looking at me, yet I kept my eyes on the floor. "I was so worried, I, I thought something bad happened. Please, at least inform me or anyone here. Can you?" This time, I let my eyes meet hers, and only god knows how I got lost in it even more.

No. I thought she don't want to talk or interact with me again–

"I, I think about it. I guess I am being an asshole for treating you bad for months. And it kills me off everytime I realized what I did to you. Jiwoo. I'm so sorry.." She's crying, and it made me look away.

I just... I just can't see her cry. It breaks my heart. I gulped and took a step closer. "Yunjin.. Don't cry.." I caressed her cheeks and pouted my lips. "Yunjin.." I could feel her arms tightening around my waist, resulting me to grip on her shoulder tighter.

Now that I noticed our position right now, well it's kind off awkwa—

"I just don't know what to do without you.." I smiled and looked at her eyes again, but this time, no one dare to look away. My smile gets wider as I leaned in closer.

I went to her closer and kissed her.

Everything feels like heaven. The way her lips move with mine, the way our body dances with the cold breeze, and the way our nose touches. Everytime feels wonderful. And I only noticed that, only Yunjin has this effect on me.

I only want her. Love her. And no one can change that. I, love her.

We pulled away after some time and looked into each other's eyes, she smiled at me once again, and it is genuine. I got this Yunjin again.

"Sorry again, please, can you give me a second chance?" My head automatically nodded and I felt how she pulled me into her chest. "God, I will keep you with me forever now, I won't let you go." This made me giggle which resulted for her to pinch my cheeks.

"I've missed you, I hope you missed me too.." I pouted my lips at her and gently slid my hands on her shoulder. "Well... Of course I do. I just couldn't bare that cold treatment of yours to me.." She chuckled and nodded her head once again.

"Hmm, let's go to sleep?" I nodded my head and took her with me. But, she stopped midways and pulled me clos—

She suddenly picked me up in a bridal style and kissed my forehead. "I love you, please don't forget about that.."

"What time is it?" I nearly jumped out of the bed when I heard a rusty voice beside me. "O-oh, did I wake you up?" I asked her back, clearly startled by her. "Uh, no? You're actually just staring somewhere so cutely that I have to stop myself from kissing you" I turned my back to face her and tucked some piece of hair on her ear.

"Well, you know, I'm quite shocked about what happened last night. Plus." I stopped and pecked her cheeks gently, then her forehead, and lastly, her lips. This had her giggling nonstop. "You know, I never really hated you. I was just so overwhelmed that you believed that issue and yeah.. It took us apart."

I took a heavy sigh before I stared at her face, where she stared back with a wide smile. I miss this, I miss us. "Yunjin." I called out. "Hmm?" She replied with a hum before she put my head on her chest.

"Will you stay with me forever? Will you stay like this and won't leave anymore?" I frowned when I heard her sigh. I know she's sad, so do I. If the world is just not that cruel, then maybe we are still as happy as we are before. I just hope that she'll never leave me again.

"I maybe won't be able to, but I know the destiny will bring us together, hmm? Let's wait for the right time for us to be happy." She kissed my forehead and so damn, I couldn't help but to tear up. "Wh-why? Are you okay?" She tilted her head and looked at me with a worried expression on her eyes. I replied with a nod and hugged her tighter to make her feel that I am so thankful that she's here.

Don't have much time to write more, I've been busy so I'm really sorry for not updating

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19 ⏰

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Maybe It's Destiny..- Le Sserafim (Huh Yunjin) Fanfic [Currently Editing]Where stories live. Discover now