Chapter 15

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Third Person's POV

Walking at the wet pavement that was shining under the street lights, Jiwoo couldn't think of anything other than making everything okay between her and Yunjin. Yeah, it did hurt her knowing that Yunjin kissed and even confessed that had dated Yuri for months behind Jiwoo's back, but she can't just let everything be down.

It don't just affect the two, but also the group. Noticing that the two has been a lot distanced wirh each other, the fans are worried and glad at the same time— well, most of the haters are glad, knowing that they probably are awkward because of the dating humor of Yunjin and Yuri. Some hated seeing Jiwoo and Yunjin together, and it sucks.

Jiwoo sometimes will suddenly think of just disappearing to give her haters their own will— not wanting them for each other— but even though it is obvious that they do liked each other, only the fewest noticed it clearly. Jiwoo stared at the empty road, thinking if she will go back to their dorm or go somewhere to clear her mind.

Having to go to a meeting about her upcoming drama with Gong Jiho, fortunately one of her best of the best friend, she was wearing a bucket hat with a mask, walking alone as she refused to come with their manager to take her to the dorm.

She want some time alone, and she uses this opportunity to roam around the place, going everywhere without someone noticing—

Well, not really, as some of them asked her for pictures, which she gave, cursing at herself as she noticed that she's not that hidden anymore. And she's glad that the way she is currently taking don't have that much people— she only noticed some passer by, maybe less than 10.

She then adjusted her mask and looked up, the sky's so clear, and the stars are glowing. It's almost summer, and they are preparing for a comeback— together with her acting debut. She smiled under her mask and took her phone out, taking a picture of herself— and the sky before continuing her path.

She might or might not noticed when a girl— apparently taller than her was behind, feeling the same breeze and breathing steadily, as she head backs to their dorm.

The girl noticed Jiwoo and immediately held her arm, startling Jiwoo in instant. She turned and backed away, nervous that maybe a danger had came. But she is wrong 'cause when she turned around, she noticed Jiho, she is smiling ear to ear, although she's also all covered up like Jiwoo, Jiwoo noticed how Jiho's eyes turned into crescent as soon as she turned around.

"Oh Jiho, it's just you.." Chuckling, Jiwoo scratched her not-so-itchy nape, before awkwardly looking away from the taller girl. Jiho on the other hand, had her eyes fixated to the shy girl, sighing as she walked beside her, initiating the walk and Jiwoo following— walking at the same pace as her.

"Yeah.. Why are you alone here? Didn't your manager came to, uhm, pick you up?" Jiho asked, worried laced on her face, looking at the road as she waited for the shorter's answer. "Well, I told our manager that I'll go to the dorm alone since I want some time alone.." Jiwoo fiddled with the bracelet Kazuha gave her, looking up at Jiho afterwards. Jiho frowned and pursed her lips, locking eyes with Jiwoo for a few seconds before she stopped walking. "Why did you sto—"

"O-oh, I guess I'm interrupting your time alone.." Jiwoo instantly laughed awkwardly and waved her hands in front of her, "N-no, Jiho-yah, it's not like that.. Don't go.. Yet, i actually enjoyed your company.." Jiho smiled under her mask as she nodded slowly, eyes glowing and tears about to burst.

"O-oh my, are you, are you crying?" Jiwoo asked, worried. She then pulled Jiho who quickly wiped the tears that are threatening to fall, avoiding Jiwoo's eyes instantly. But she can't, all of her emotions started to build up as she looked at the worried expression the shorter one is showing. "Yah, are you okay?" Nad with that, Jiho can't help but to breakdown in front of Jiwoo, swiftly trying to stifle her sobs that violently came out from her mouth.

Maybe It's Destiny..- Le Sserafim (Huh Yunjin) Fanfic [Currently Editing]Where stories live. Discover now