Chapter 7

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Yunjin's POV

"Hi everyone!!" We're currently at the practice room, having a live on Jiwoo's instagram.

"So.. We miss you!!" Eunchae exclaimed then followed By Garam who hugged her from behind. I chuckled at the sight and looked at
Jiwoo, who's already looking at me.

She smiled at me so I smiled back. I slowly stood up and was about to sit beside her when Kazuha held the chair.

"Yeah?" I asked while raising my eyebrows. "I'm sitting next to my unnie." She smirked at me making me roll my eyes. "Come on Kazuha. We can't be together in public. You're always with her so let me be with her for now." She rolled her eyes back at me and gripped on the chair.

We're talking silently so I think the fans won't think that we are fighting for a seat.

"Hey you two.. We're live." I snapped my head at Jiwoo and looked at her with pleading eyes.

She sighed before gently removing Kazuha's grip at the chair beside her. Kazuha looked at her and raised a brow.

Then she stood up, grabbing the attention of the other members who're talking with the fans. Luckily, we're at the back. The fans won'r notice us that much.

"You two are fighting for a seat. Yunjin-unnie sit there.. And Kazuha sit here.." What? Did she just make me sit beside Kazuha?

I think she became more oblivious since we parted our ways before.

"Where are you going?" Chaewon-unnie asked her before looking at me and Kazuha. "My friends called me.. Everyone.. See you later! I'll just talk to you later okay? Love you!!" The other members laughed at her as she cringed at her own agyeo.

Why does she think that she wasn't cute? She is the cutest person I know.

"Okay. Just come back safe okay?" She nodded at Sakura-unnie and motioned me to follow her.

"Eh? Where are you two going?" Kazuha stood up as well and looked at us two.

"I'm just going to talk with her Kazuha." She then pulled me with her and stopped when we exited the practice room.

"I'm going with my friends.. Take care and tell Chaewon-unnie and Sakura-unnie that I'll come back around 6:00 pm." I looked at her and raised my eyebrows.

"Why did you tell me?" She chuckled and leaned closer to me, making me blush.

She quickly pecked my cheeks and smiled at me afterwards.

"Because you love me?" She then walked away leaving me dumbfounded. What did just happen?

Is she telling me that she like me back? No.. Don't get high hopes Huh Yunjin.

But what if she'll give me a chance?

I smiled at my self and touched the place she pecked.

I blushed more at the contact as I remembered how she smiled sweetly at me afterwards.

Please be real. I hope that I have a chance..

I peek at the practice room and noticed that Kazuha is glaring at me.

Did she saw everything?

I stuck my tongue out and laughed at her reaction. She looks like she's going to kill anytime.

Then I suddenly got scared when she stood up and walked towards me.

"You're not the final winner unnie.." She walked pass me not forgetting to bump her shoulder on mine.

"This kid really.." But she was right, I'm not the final winner. I wasn't even sure if I have a chance?

But I believe that she love me too right? Hoping..


jiwoo's POV

I knocked on the door and waited for someone to open it. I am at the front of Kep1er's dorm, as Youngeun called me for a hang out.

After a few seconds, the door opened revealing Hikaru, who's on her over sized T-shirt.

"Unnie!!" She hugged me tightly and yelled, making the other members to approach us too.

"Jiwoo?" Xiaoting-unnie asked and gently removed Hikaru's grip on mine, then hugged me afterwards.

"I missed you.." I chuckled at her and waved at the other girls.

"Hey!!" Yeongeun hugged me next then patted my back. "I missed you so much.. We miss you!" The other girls hugged me after Yeongeun removed her arm around me.

"You got taller than before!" Dayeon told me before pulling me inside their dorm.

"You're just small. Love.." I raised my eyebrows as I heard Chaeyun's statement.

"Love huh.." I teased

"Yeah, they are dating.." I almost jump when I heard a voice behind me..

"Oh Yujin-unnie" I hugged her since she wasn't there earlier when the other members greeted me.

"I missed you little kid.." She patted my head and pulled me towards the other's who are already at the living room, picking a movie at the television.

"What do you want to eat everyone? Since we have a guess.. I'll treat everyone.." I chuckled at Xiaoting-unnie and just shook my head.

"Order delicious foods unnie!!" Yeseo yelled, making me smile and pat her head.

"You're so cute Yeseo.." I noticed the red tint on her cheeks so I laughed more at her cuteness.

"What about me unnie!" I turned around and looked at the person only to find out it was Bahiyyih, acting cute.

"You're cute too!!" I patted her head and smiled at her. She smiled back and stood up. She walked towards the kitchen to get something I guess?

"Mashiro-unnie is so quiet.." Dayeon stated, making me look at Mashiro-unnie.

"Yeah? Unnie is something bothering you?" She shook her head at me and just smiled, before averting her gaze at the T.V.

"She was actually busy looking at y—" Yeongeun's word was cut off when Mashiro-unnie covered her mouth with her hand.

"Shut up." I looked at her confusedly but I just shrugged it off when she just shook her head at me.

"It's nothing really, don't listen at this idiot." Yeongeun pouted then suddenly smirked before patting my shoulder.

"She lik—" She was cut off again but it was because of Hiyyih who came from the kitchen.

She was holding a popcorn and soda.

"Is it movie night? Look what time it is. It's just 3:24 pm.." Yeseo stated making us laugh.

"Eating popcorn isn't a bad Idea!" She sat beside me while pouting so I just patted her head.

"Yeah she's right. Popcorn and soda are the best when It comes to watching movies.." She smiled at me and handed me one of the soda, followed by the others who picked for them too.


"I like you.." I raised my eyebrows as I looked at the girl in front of me. "What?" She shrugged her shoulder and held my hands. "I like yo— no, I love you since the first time we met.." She looked at my eyes and sighed.

"It's okay if you don't like me back.. But let me show you how I love you okay?" I was about to reply but was cut off when my phone suddenly rang.

I looked at the caller I.D. and it was Haewon..


Another love interest? Who do you think it is?

Anyways.. Thanks for support! Please vote!!

Maybe It's Destiny..- Le Sserafim (Huh Yunjin) Fanfic [Currently Editing]Where stories live. Discover now