Chapter 3

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Third Person's POV

"Cheers!!" The newest debut group cheers, with their staffs and CEO with them. The others got beers, but the others only got juices and soda as their drinks.

"Congrats girls.. Hoping for you great success!" They cheered again, continuing their dinner at the restaurant.

"We'll never made it if you didn't help us Pd-nim.. So we should be more thankful on you.." BangPD smiled at the oldest girl, before facing the other member who he assist asidr from Chaewon.

"Good job Jiwoo. You're more responsible as I thought. Just like your brother.." The mentioned girl smiled, sighing heavily.

"I'm happy that we'd made it. Hey, I'm looking forward for our days okay?" The other girls agreed. Garam nodding her head, Eunchae smiling ear to ear, the tow oldest members patting her head. While the other two, looked at her and smiled.

Kazuha clung onto Jiwoo's side, smiling at her unnie's word. Of course, she'll look forward for it too, especially if her favorite unnie was the one who said it.

"You two seems to be a lot closer huh..Is there something I don't know? Are you  perhaps.. A thing?" BangPD wiggled her eyebrows, thinking that something is going on with the two.

"U-uh.. It's nothing really, PD-nim.." Kazuha hid her tomato face, which didn't go unnoticed by the others.

"Eh? You're blushing?"

"Yeah You are.. Totally inlo—"

Sakura and Garam teases, but stopped after noticing the glare, Yunjin is giving them.

'I thought they're on my side? Wait.. No. Only Chaewon-unnie, I guess..' Yunjin thought before standing up and walking away.

"Where is she going?" They looked at Yunjin, who's walking away from their table. "Can you follow her?" BangPD said

"I'll follow her." Chaewon said but Jiwoo insisted. "I'll go. I'm the leader eh?" She stood up and follow the other girl.

Kazuha pouted 'Are they dating?'


"Yunjin-unnie!" Yunjin looked behind her, seeing one of her co-member.

"Yeah?" She asked and looked at the floor. "Where are you going? We aren't finish yet..." Yunjin sighed, turning around and meeting the younger girl's gaze.

'I... Miss you..' The taller girl stared at the younger one's eyes, bringing back those happy memories they spent together.

Yunjin snapped back to reality when
Jiwoo, began clapping her hands in front of Yunjin.

"Aigoo, there's something wrong.. Right unnie?" Jiwop hooked her arm to Yunjin's, catching her off-guard.

"Wh-where are we going?" She asked but got no respond from the younger girl.

"Hey." The two stopped infront of their car, engulfed by the comfortable silence.

Jiwoo opened the car door, entering first before pulling Yunjin in.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Yunjin asked again. But this time, she recieved an answer at her co-member who is looking straight in her eyes.

She started leaning in slowly. While Yunjin, she don't know what to do. A bright shade of red appearing on her cheeks.

Jiwoo stared at Yunjin's lips, before...

Kissing her cheeks.


Jiwoo's POV

"Wah.. Is it rest day today unnie?" I looked at Kazuha, before sitting up on my bed and looking at my phone.

"Yep. We got three days of rest before performing at Music Bank.." I answered before looking back at her, only to catch her staring at me.

"You know what unnie, you're so
pretty.." She smiled sweetly at me, making me blush so I cleared my throat and stood up.

I walked towards my closet and picked some formal clothes.

"Are you going somewhere unnie?" She asked me. Yes I am. Haewon called me, telling me that her father and mother texted her.

"My mom and dad texted me. They want us to date and send them some proof." I stared at the ceiling, listening on Haewon's soft voice on the other line.

"Hey love. You sleeping?" She asked me again, making me smile. "No not yet. I'm just thinking about it." I then heard her chuckled, before speaking again.

"It's okay if you don't want to, or if you want to stop this engagement. I can  can get the consequences. I can pretend to be chea—"

"N-no Haewon. I'll do it. But not the cheating one okay? I'll.. Found the way"

"Okay. So you mean you don't like.. This?" I think I offended her so I panicked more.

"No! No.."

"So you like me?" I sighed, covering myself with a blanket.

"I.. Don't know.." She chuckled bitterly, making me bite my lips.

It's a silence after it, not until she spoke again.

"It's okay tho. I'll still wait, even you love someone which isn't me."

"Where are you going unnie?" Once I stepped out of our room, I was asked by Garam and Eunchae which is behind her.


"Well, I need to do something important today.." They nodded her head, excluding Yunjin who is looking straight down at me.

"You need someone to accompany you?" She asked me, giving me a sweet smile I used to love.

I mean, I still love.

"No need to unnie. You can rest for today. And also, someone will fetch me here." Her eyebrows went up, while her eyes are eyeing me suspiciously.

"Oh come on, don't be like that.." She laughed afterwards, giving me butterflies on my stomach.

"Okay, I won't ask who is it. But be sure to comeback safe okay?" I gave her a hug before standing up and nodding my head.

"I will." We got a staring contest again before smiling at each other.

Sakura-unnie and Chaewon-unnie then walked towards our direction.

On my peripheral vision, I saw them wiggling their eyebrows at Yunjin.

"Where ya going?" Chaewon-unnie asked sassily. "Just somewhere unnie. I'll comeback safe I promise." They smiled at me and nodded their head.

"If you need someone to fetch you, I'll come. Text me okay?" I jumped a little when a arm wrapped around my shoulder, I also noticed that the three member's smile dropped.

"Ah. It's fine Kazuha.. Bye." She removed her arm and smiled at me. "Take care unnie!!" She told me when I started to walked away, while waving her

"I will."


"Where do you want to go?" Haewon asked me, facing me.

"Everywhere.." She glanced at the front mirror and suddenly grabbed my cheeks.

She smiled at me before pulling me for a kiss.

It lasted longer than I expected, before she pulled away and looked straight into my eyes.

She leaned in towards me again and whispered on my ears, but I'm sure that the driver heard it because he looked at us, thru the mirror.

"I love you.."


I'm back again!!

Got busy to school..

Maybe It's Destiny..- Le Sserafim (Huh Yunjin) Fanfic [Currently Editing]Where stories live. Discover now