Chapter 6

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I'm Really sorry for not updating last day, I'm just rewatching Girls Planet 999 cause I'm planning on making one shot stories of the trainees..

And tomorrow, another school day 😭😭


Jiwoo's POV

"Unnie I HATE YOU!"

It was still fresh on my mind. Just how firm and full of emotion Kazuha's voice has made me curious and worried at the same time.

Do I made something which made her mad? I almost teared up when she shouted at me at that arguement.

She used to show me her sweetness and clingyness but these past few days, she started ignoring me.

She also sometimes sleep beside the unnie lines and left me alone at the room.

I kinda miss the clingy time of her. U miss her. And until now, I still don't know what the reason of the arguement.

"Unnie, are you seeing someone right now?" I snapped my head from my phone to her.

"Of course.. I'm seeing you and this surrounding" I smiled innocently,even though I know what she really means, I need to avoid that question.

"Unnie. Not that. You know, romantically" She looked away at me, to keep the slight blush on her face.

"Wait, Why are you blushing? Do you like someone? Do you like Yunjin-unnie? You've been keeping her away from me these days.." her smiled dropped, then she looked at me.

"No. I don't like her. I like someone else unnie." She looked at me seriously, confusing me more.

"Then why are you like 'gate-keeping Yunjin-unnie from me" She clicked her tongue and her face turned cold.

"You really don't know it? Unnie?" I knitted my eyebrows and was about to speak when did it first.

"I hate you." I raised my eyebrows and stood up. She also stood up and started to glare at me.

"I hate you. I hate you. I HATE YOU!" She snapped at me making me shock.

"What?" I asked her, slightly offended because of her hating me without a reason.

"I said I HATE YOU! You're SO OBLIVIOUS!" I was about to argue back but was taken a back when she shut the door loudly making me flinch.

I sighed before standing up from my bed, and walking out of our room because I'm bored.

Kazuha stayed at the unnie line's room even today. And my night was really boring.

I'm spacing out a lot this days, specially tonight since it's already pass 12:00 am.

"Ouch—" My head bumps on something, more like someone. When I looked at that someone, I found out that it's Yunjin.

"You okay?!" She quickly asked me and checked if I'm hurt of not. "I-I'm okay unnie." I walked pass her while she follows.

"Do you want me to accompany you to sleep at your room? Kazuha said she'll stay at our room again." I smiled and get a glass and pour some cold water.

"Can.. You?" She walked towards me and patted my head before pulling me in a hug. I smiled widely and hugged back.

"I love you.." She whispered but I didn't understand since she spoke in different languange.

"Huh?" She just shook her head and waited until I'm ready to sleep.

Maybe It's Destiny..- Le Sserafim (Huh Yunjin) Fanfic [Currently Editing]Where stories live. Discover now