Wife (part 4)

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With the povs I'm gonna try to make my vocabulary a bit better depending on the characters. So like with calliope there's gonna be bigger words. I hope that makes since. I just wanna make her seem sophisticated, yeah know? Alright ENJOY

Calliope's POV

I wake up to sweet little kisses on my cheek. When I look over I see my beautiful wife's sweet face smile at me. I instantly smile back, my smile growing when see giggles.

"Good morningggg" my bubbly wife states with a goofy smile on her face.

"Good morning love" I say groggily while pecking her sweet lips softly.

"It's your first day of teaching!" She says as enthusiastically as she can considering it being 6:00am.

"I know babe isn't it so exhilarating!"i say with just as much enthusiasm.

"Yes babe, yes it is" she says with a giggle.

"Uhhh I'm so excited! I wonder what my students are going to be like".

"Hmmm probably so sweet just like you~" she says while tapping my nose.

"Oh shut up" I say while getting up but not without reaching over and smacking her thigh lightly.

"What I was trying to be sweet" she says with a cute fake pout on her face.

"And it was sweet thank you lovely" I say while walking over to her side and kissing her pouty lips.

"You wanna shower with me" I say while walk over to the bathroom.

"Sure babe" she says with a strained voice, rising up out of bed slowly.

"Com'on grandma" I say jokingly while poking my head out of the bathroom.

"Oh hush" she say while chuckling.

I started to get undressed once I pulled my head back from the edge of the door she walked in and looks me up and down slowly.

"Like what you see" I say with a eyebrow raising.

"Fuck yeah. zam mama when you gon'  lend me some of that ass"  she says in a foolish voice.

"Language" i say in a fake firm voice while spinning her around and swatting her bum gently.

"What's with you and hitting me today" she says with the same fake pout on her face.

"I don't know your body just looks so hit-able"  I say whilst smacking her thigh

"Your a dork" she says while pulling of  her night shirt

"So are you darling~" I say in a sing song tone while pulling down my pants and panties and hopping in the shower. My wife joins me soon after.

I love Zoey so much. She is the perfect person for me I helped her and she's helped me, and now we have the perfect life. We are missing something though. We want a child. Someone to take care of. We are working to get our adoption licenses and where damn near there. We just need someone to confirm that we have all the requirements need to become adoptive parents. A social worker. I hope they come quickly we are so ready to be guardians of someone; any age any gender.

We are also apart of the Bdsm community. My wife and I preform these act in bed... but we aren't going to get into that. Another part of the community is cgl. An acronym for caregiver/little. We are caregivers. We been looking for a little for a while now and we have not found the right little for us. They'll come around eventually though. Whenever there ready.

Usually people who age regress have be through trauma. Childhood trauma to be specific. We are prepared to give anything and everything to are little to help there recovery.

When we step out of the shower I wrap my beautiful wife's figure in a warm fluffy towel that has be sitting on the radiator and grab the one that was next to it a wrap it around me.

We head to the couples sink we had installed hand in hand and did our morning routine brushing teeth, brushing hair styling hair etc.

I finish rather quickly since I have to be to work soon and head out of the bathroom to pic out an outfit.

I put on a random suit I have in there and some matching heals. I feel like I'm showing a bit to much cleavage but I have no time to change or I'm gonna be late.

My love comes out the bathroom and I  quickly peak her lips, say a small goodbye, have a great day and head out the bed room door.

I lightly jog down the hall heading to the stairs and walking down them so I don't trip.

I jog the kitchen and grab my keys and bag of the island counter and shout one last goodbye and jog out the door,heading to my car.

I drive out the driveway while thinking I wonder what today will be like.

this chapter was a bit longer than normal also THANK YOU FOR 100+ READS THATS A LOT A DAMN PPL BRO THANK YOUUU


But that no even the problem PROBLEM IS I DONT KNOW SHIT


Anywho BYE LOVELIES❤️❤️❤️❤️

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