Bad men (part 8)

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Iris POV

I try to contemplate what to do in my head as I look a his dented run down car in the parking lot. Maybe I should just leave, and come back later... or spend the night at the park. Ill still have to come home the next day regardless. I just need to toughen up and walk in.

pull my key out of my front pocket I turn the key as quietly as I can manage. I open the door just as softly and walk in with a strong stench of alcohol running over my nose. I scrunch it up already feeling a headache coming on while looking around the room for my father. I found him passed out on the couch with 6 other men around, either on the floor or the couch.

I sneak pass all of them to the back of the small apartment to my room. once I found my homework I pull it out along with milo and put him next to me. I started on the hardest one first to get it over with, English. I've always hated english and reading classes. Before I can even start I heard footsteps coming this way. I freeze and hold my breath while the unstable footsteps gradually gain upon me.

my door was flung open by non other than my beloved father "where were you this whole day asshole. I had to go out and get my own food." he half shouted at me, voice pretty slurred.

"school sir" I say winching from the loud shout.

"school is useless when you have a father at home starving"

"s-sorry sir ill do better" my headache is getting worse by the second and I am extremally annoyed by my fathers stupidity.

"you better hope"

I heard loud, quick foot steps and not even a second later two men walked into my room with sinister smirks on their faces.

"hey tiny, how was your day" one of them which I cant remember the name of, say evilly

"fine thanks" I say with a somewhat rude tone

He runs on me and grabs me by the collar "watch your tone tiny I capable of many things"


"don't ever raise your voice to me again"

"Y-yes sir s-sorry sir" I'm in a daze at this point I know I'm in for it.

"You will be" he says with an evil smile on his face.

he throws me on the floor and takes of his belt...


I'm on the computer and its slightly different from the phone so if it looks weird you know why.

side note I hope you all are doing ok and if you ever need someone to talk to I'm here


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