Hurt all over(part 11)

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Iris POV

He takes of his belt and throw it to the floor next to me. I'm in the corner with the my pile of clothes so I start throwing the clothes at him. A pair of my pants fall on his head and blind him momentarily and I take this opportunity to get up and run.

But before I could get to far I was stopped by my father. He quite literally drags me back to the room and throws me on the stained hard mattress. My dad and his mean friends did everything they could to batter and bruise me. I should have know. They're going to kill me. This is exactly what they did to my mama.

"I'm gonna break you just like a did your slut of a mother" he spat in my face and I automatically knew what was about to happen.

Two of the mean me pick me up by my armpits to me to the parking lot. They throw me in the trunk of the car and wraps duck tap around my hands and placed a strip on my mouth. They close the trunk door and drove for about an hour.

I can't do this... there gonna hurt me. I start subconsciously falling into little space. I hate that. Every time something bad happens I slip. I'm a pussy. I can't handle my  own problems so I force my little self to do it. I'm pathetic.

The next thing I now im in some kind of warehouse. The men throw me to the floor rip the tap of my mouth. I should probably say something... I don't wanna die!
"Plese! Don' 'urt me no mo"

"What the fuck are you, a baby"
One of his stupid friends laugh at me.

"Awe the little baby can't handle a bit of pressure can she" his jerk face says in a sing-song type voice.

"Darell, you didn't tell us we where fucking a baby!" They laugh and rip my clothes off

Tw⚠️ graphic description of rape

"Look at her" they all laugh "puny bitch"

They rip my the rest of my clothes off and my father drops his pants.

His member prominently standing. I can't do this. Please don't do this to me.

"Open you damn mouth slut"

I can't do this. I don't want this... no no. stop. Please stop Stop!

"Yo what the fuck is wrong with your kid"

"She's (pls forgive me) r word just like her idiotic mother"

"Should we stop her"

"Naw just ignore it"

Im hurt all over. I don't understand. What did I do wrong.  I'm a good girl. I promise...

I want to go home. I don't even have a home. This isn't fair. I just what to feel safe. Everywhere I go my life is on the line. Maybe I should call the police. This can be right. My papa not supposed to do this. He is supposed to love me. I don't understand. Am I not good enough. Maybe I am r word.

The police is gonna help me right. I hope they do. After they finished with me they took me to my dads home and chained me to a wall. They said they'll be back. I don't want yo do it again. It's gross and icky. I think I should call the police...


I have decided to make longer chapers

This may be the cringiest shit ever and im so sorry😭

I like a good medium burn so the cgl action is coming.


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