The Little One (part 6)

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My classes today for the most part have been okay. I just did a few introductions so I can get to know my students.

I teach classes with kids who need a little extra help. I have some kids who shouldn't be in my class. The may be special need but there test scores say they are able to be in higher classes. The administration is horrible. They just drop children anywhere and everywhere.

Ive had a few kids who need a class with more help that I am required to provide. Anyone who has a disability, was just dropped in my classroom.

By my last period class I was ready to scream. Some of these children should not be in my class. Right after school I'm taking this up with administration.

My thoughts are interrupted by a small pressure on my waist. What was that?

I lost down to see a child too small to be in high school on the ground sprawled out. Her face is grim and it looks like she's winching in pain. Surely she didn't fall that hard. Poor baby.

I quite literally pick her up of the floor, I did not expect her too be this light. She may be tiny but she is way to light.

"Oh baby, I'm so sorry sweetie" she's way to tiny.

"N-no I'm sorry, ran into you" she stammers out quietly in the cutest little voice while looking down at her run down little shoes.

"Are you already baby" I say while checking her over

"Yes I'm okay... your okay as well right" The little one has manners.

"Yes I'm fine love"

She looks up and I freeze. She's so adorable! Lose strands of ginger hair falls around her little baby face forming it. Freckles scattered around all over her face. Little pink full lips, and beautiful brown eyes.

Her mouth is wide open and she seems to be checking me out. I stifle and giggle when she snaps out off it. Her tomato red face looks so sweet.

"Uh dis me c'as ma'am"

I smile widely maybe she's a little! Wait... I'm jumping to conclusions way to fast. Maybe she's just embarrassed. My smile quickly drops.

"Alright little one, im your new teacher. Go in and take your seat when everyone is here I'll explain further, okay?"

She pouts and nods. I wonder what's got her so upset.

As more children walk in I could stop thinking about the child that that ran into me. She looked scared. And now that I'm thinking about it she cowered back as if I was going to hit her. Her lip seemed busted as well. She may be getting bullied. I'll have to keep an eye on her. When the bell rings I walk in and I immediately look around for the little one. I find her with a pout still sporting her face. I giggle and start my introduction.


I had this drafted for like a week but here I go

Algebra is still hard🥵🤞😙


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