Bright light(Part 13)

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Iris POV

I whimper when opening my plastered eyes, blinded by the bright lights. Before my eyes adjusted, I heard this irritating beeping noise and lots of people talking. So many conversations at once. I could feel myself drifting away.  I don't know where, but I let it take me.
Calliope POV

We haven't gotten a call about possible foster placements yet. I may be being a bit to hasty, but my wife and I are so ready. It has been a few days and now that we have all of our plans set up for our family's safety, we a extremely excited to get our first placement.

After my first few days of teaching, I think i got a handle of it. The little one still hasn't come back and I am getting increasingly worried. I think my wife is to as she asks about her every time I get home. I think it's cute, how excited she gets when I describe the little one, how heavenly she looks. It's really amazing seeing my little family get so happy to hear about the little one who's name I can't for the life of me remember.

Zoey and I are home for the day with nothing to do. It's been about a week sense I started teaching and I have only seen the small one once. I hope she hasn't moved. Zoey and I are in each other's embrace with her head under my chin, Hero at the base of the couch, with the news playing in the background. My were eyes down turned from the TV, After here about a kidnapped and abused child my eyes shoot up just in time to see a photograph of the victim.

I shoot up upon locking eyes with a familiar heavenly face.

"Iris" I whisper when getting my voice back automatically remembering her beautiful name.

"Calli?" I here confused and concerned voice of my wife.

"Baby, that's the little one" I whisper with a hesitant tone of voice.

"What" she managed to choke out.

Recovering, we both sprint to the television set at the same time. Listening to the broadcasters every word to find out about the whereabouts of our little Iris.

"The malnourished girl was found in a distant warehouse just outside of the city, which held tons of illegal drugs. The small girl was found chained to a wall with blood pooling around her. It is a miracle that she survived. Professional say she shows signs of severe neglect, emotional abuse, physical abuse, and the most horrifying, sexual abuse. Her guardian was arrested for multiple charges of battery, burglary, abuse, and much more. this case is not for the faint hearted, if you would like to know more, visit our website at www."

We are both dumb founded to find out about the pain the little one went through.

Zoey was the first one to recover, grabbing my hand and taking me into a big hug.

"It will be okay" she whispers in my ears

I didn't even realize I was crying until I felt her wipe my tears away.  I should have know something was up. It's all my fault. I could have saved her sooner.

"It's not your fault" Zoey says almost like she was reading my mind.

"I should have followed my instincts" I took a long pause after getting chocked up "I knew something was wrong, she was too tiny, too timid, too... afraid"

"Calliope, there's nothing we could have done, Stitch" I look up at the nickname I haven't heard in a while. She used to call me that back when we were senators. That nickname is part of the reason why I feel in love with her.

"There's always something we could have done" I say with heavy guilt

"All we can do know is be there for her when she recovers" Zoey says gently

Deep down I know she's right, I just can't help but feel guilty. I've always prided myself for being observant, able to pick up on the smallest things. I should have know something was wrong with Iris.

Iris... such a beautiful name for such a beautiful girl.

"Zoey, you haven't called me stitch in a while... why'd you stop"

"I didn't know if you liked it or not. That was before we started talking." She said her voice lowering as she drawls on.

"I love it Zo, please don't stop" I look into her big green beautiful eyes, thinking of how I found a partner like this.

I take her into a deep kiss, nothing uncomfortable or sexual about it. Just pure love.



I would have updated earlier this summer but I'm taking a pre class course and I went on a cruise.

I wish this chapter was a little longer but I don't know what else to add.

Thanks for the everlasting support and so sorry for the long ass wait ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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