Doctors(Part 14)

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Iris POV

I wake up once again hearing that irritating beeping noise, but this time I'm in pain. I whimper and look around letting my eyes adjust to the light.

When my eyes do adjust I feel as if I'm tied down. I sit myself up I look down at my body. I am tied up. I feel as if my chest has a elephant on it.

I start to hyperventilate and rip myself out of the restraints. I cry out as the beeping starts to get quicker and louder. I cover my ears and whimper and tears fall out of my eyes.

I hear foot steps run in and I crawl to the end of the usually comfortable cot and curl up with my arm protecting my head.

Third person POV

As Iris crawls to the back of the back of the cot, the nurses grab her and put her back in the middle of the bed quite roughly. One of the nicer and more sympathetic nurses notice this and takes matters in her own hands.

She affectively kicks the other nurses out off the room and slowly walks towards to Iris. "Iris, honey, is that your name." She whispers to the panicky girl on the cot.

Iris doesn't acknowledge her words and she continues to panic rubbing at her face slightly.

"Iris you are safe, it's just me and you. How are you feeling" The soft spoken nurse asked make sure to give Iris all the space she needs.

"Where" Iris says softly look around at the all white room.

"You are in a emergency room" the nurse says taking extra care to keep her voice soft.

"Scared" Iris said with tears in her eyes. "I know Iris, but I assure you, you are safe now. I will do everything in my power to keep it that way" the nurse said beginning to grow attached to the small, abused, shaken girl on that cot.


Iris POV

The nurse lady is really nice. She made me feel a lot better. As she leaves the room, my dark thoughts return. I cant help but think that I'm alone, no one to hold me, no one to tell me that it will be alright, no one to play with, no one to talk to, no shoulder to cry on, no hand to hold, I'm alone in this world.

My stuffie doesn't even like me. My cries speed up as I realize I don't see milo anywhere. My milo is gone, now I'm really alone.


Third Person POV

Calliope and Zoey barely got any sleep that night, who would have know that this small tiny girl could cause so much pain and angst. They hand so many bad feelings about the tiny girl that flooded there minds. As soon as they where able to sleep, it was near time to wake up. It went on like this for another week. Calliope and Zoey began to lose hope. They still loved their little one and couldn't wait to see her back in school. They also haven't gotten any placement calls which made them fell like shit. But during that time, Iris began to heal, she gained confidence. With the help of the nurse and a few others with kind hearts, the tiny girl was happy. For the first time in forever it felt like, she was happy.

There were sad moments, like how she constantly wet the bed at night every time she went to sleep. It wasn't new to her, but it definitely concerned to nurses. They feared that her bladder could be permanently damaged. They ran tests, and found out that there was bruising and small abrasions to her bladder. But nothing that time can't fix. It my be a long time, but it will heal. In the mean time they put the girl in "adsorbent underwear" they call it to make the small girl less insecure about wearing pull ups, it took a little of convincing, but they got her to wear them at night.

As time with on social works became present. They examined the girl and asked her some uncomfortable personal questions, but nothing she couldn't handle. The nurses started to spend more and more time with her, but she was not complaining at all. This one faithful day, the little girls life changed. She knew something was up as the nurses had tears in there eyes and they hugged her which they rarely did, they said there goodbyes while the little girl was oblivious to what was going on. Soon after, the blunt, demanding, social worker walked in and asked Iris if she was ready to go was ready to go.

""G-go where" she whimpers afraid of the new places she will be going now, she really doesn't like change.

"To your new placement" the women say bluntly.

"New placement?" Little Iris says as confused as ever. The social worker puts a firm hand on the shoulder and guides her out of the room. Iris look back at the people she called her friends with tears in her eyes and shook her head, mouthing the words no and then getting separated by a turn of a corner. As she painted a picture of her hospital family she made a vow to never trust anyone else, ever again.


Sorry for another long as wait tbh I was being kinda lazy fr🤷🏾‍♀️😝

If anyone has any tips for geometry pls help

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