Origins, Part 1

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Author's Note: A long time coming I know. Work took me on a trip well outside of internet range, but I'm back for a little bit now and excited to start writing this!

There's so much I hope to do with this story, so much more of Alexander's character I want to develop, as well as finally giving you all the love interest you've been asking for since chapter 1 of The Prodigy.

Enough of my ramblings, happy reading, all!

Alexander cut down another mooger, his bow flashing in the sunlight.

"That's three events in a week," Alexander remarked, "They're getting bolder."

"Bolder or not, they're still not a problem," Jayden responded, letting the sword disappear from his hands.

"Until it's three brigades at once," Alexander grumbled, his mind still wrapped up in his past.

Jayden spun around, "What do you want to do about that?!"

"You've got a team waiting in the wings," Alexander slipped his bow across his chest, "I don't want them out here any more than you do, but that may be inevitable at this rate."

"We can handle it."

"Be that as it may, there's something to be said about numbers," Alexander felt a strange sense of deja vu upon saying it.

"I'm not having this conversation," Jayden turned away.

Alexander sighed before muttering, "You never do."


Alexander found himself on the outskirts of the city, meandering aimlessly, feeling exposed without any of his weaponry.

His attention was drawn to a small cafe advertising coffee and the like. Alexander moved to push through the door when he was knocked into.

Reacting on instinct, he quickly caught the weight and righted it.

The culprit was a girl slightly shorter than he was, sporting a denim skirt and a yellow blouse. Her hair was a bright blonde, cascading over her shoulders in curls.

"I'm so sorry," She quickly apologized, "I wasn't watching where I was going and--"

"I'm okay, really," Alexander got a word in, "You alright?"

"Huh? Yeah, I'm...," Her eyes found his, "Fine."

"You sure," He asked, weary of how heavily she maintained eye contact.

"Yeah, all good," She quickly averted her gaze, much to Alexander's relief.

"Are you going inside, Miss," He asked politely, holding the door open for her.

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