There Go the Brides

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Author's Note: Another chapter, and another iteration of spot that reference.

In all seriousness, though, thanks for your patience. Happy reading!

Alexander wandered back into the Shiba House to gather up some more arrows when he was stopped by a very familiar voice.

He turned the corner into the common room and spotted Emily, Mia, and Mike crowded around a C.D. player, listening to a guitar tune that sent Alexander back to Reefside.

Kira's newest C.D. had dropped and she'd become an overnight sensation, topping leaderboards and gathering a mass following. She'd been ecstatic when she called last week, happily sharing all of the details of her future plans.

First thing on her list: Tokyo.

True to her word, the former Yellow Ranger had a trio of shows already booked for Tokyo in the coming weeks.

"Freak you out, freak you out," Kira's voice floated through the speaker.

"Alex," Emily noticed he was standing there, "Come listen to this! She's so good!"

'You don't know the half of it,' He thought while standing against the doorframe.

Alexander's mind was on the fight at hand. Over the past two weeks, he'd had to fend off five more tyrannodrone incidents. Five more incidents that were getting harder to hide from the Samurai.

That's what he needed the arrows for. Hayley had told him of another hotspot that needed eradicating. He knew that the old Dino Thunder monsters were after him for his gem, so what happens when they find out that his sister was there?

His guess was: nothing great.

Best to snuff out the problem before it got too big to handle.

"Where are you off to," Mia noticed him trying to slip off to his room.

"Just wanted some more arrows," Alexander replied, slowly continuing to his room, "And another dagger."

The Pink Ranger stood and followed him into his small room, placing her hands on her hips as soon as she'd closed the door, "What happened to your other ones?"

Alexander chucked the two pieces of his old dagger onto his desk with an oddly satisfying tinkling noise.

"How'd you do this," She picked up both pieces.

"It's made of D-two, and I used it as a prybar," He answered.

It wasn't totally a lie, it was made of the aforementioned tool steel, but he snapped it after catching it on a tyrannodrone's armor as he attempted to disembowel it.

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