Little Railguns and Admiring Chocolate

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Author's Note: It's been a minute, I know, and I'm sorry. Work sent me out of WiFi range and they're about to do it again. Hopefully, it won't be as long as last time, but there will be a dry spell on chapters again.

Not too much to say about this one other than I've missed writing, I love writing cutesy scenes with these characters, and there are quite a few references to find.

Without further ado: 7000 words for you all!


Alexander limped heavily as he carried Kira toward safety. The gash on his leg had mostly clotted but was still dribbling blood behind him on the wet grass.

He hadn't spoken since he'd started carrying her away from the monsters' burning camp nearly twenty minutes prior.

"You look like you've got a question," Kira cooed.

Alexander sighed, "How can you still Ptera Scream? Everyone's powers should have faded when the gems were drained."

"Yours wasn't."

"I was bleeding out a quarter mile away, not draining the gem to kill Mesagog," Alexander deadpanned, "It's probably the only reason I'm alive."

"I remember," She tried to catch his eyes, "To answer your question...It's a long story."

"It's a long walk."

"Allie," Kira asked, feeling his muscles tense, "Allie, what's wrong?"

His eyes found those weird sigils nailed to trees surrounding them, "Backburner. We're not done."

"Ah, it's about time you showed up," A monster emerged from the treeline, "We were beginning to think you'd never show."

Alexander slowly set Kira down on shaky legs, "And who's 'we?'"

Before the monster could respond, another voice cut through the forest.

"Alex," Mia ran up behind the siblings, "Alex, what's--"

She stopped when she noticed four more monsters coming out of the woodline in front of them.

"Son of a b--"

"Mia," Kira cut off Alexander's muttering.

"Mia, get Kira back," Alexander said.

"I can help," She rushed to his side.

Alexander sighed as his fingers wrapped around his tonfas, "You can't call out, or morph, and you're unarmed. Just leave this to me."

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