Deal with a Nighlock

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Author's Note: 4815 words in this chapter for you all, so strap in. Thanks so much for being so supportive over the course of this story and the previous one.

Without further ado...Happy reading!

The rangers were all on the practice field, engaged in various activities.

Jayden was off to the side talking to Ji; Kevin and Emily were sparring with training swords; Mike was attempting to get a symbol power right, and Alexander and Mia were training in hand-to-hand combat.

"So," Mia panted, still throwing jabs at Alexander, "Why fistfighting?"

He checked the strike and countered, "You don't know when your sword will be taken away."

She ducked under his punch, trying to catch him off guard with a low kick, "Fair enough."

Jayden was commenting about the others with Ji.

"They're progressing well," Ji observed, watching as all the rangers were fully engrossed in their tasks.

"Even made Alexander more human," Jayden agreed, "If only a little."

"You never told me what you discovered about him," Ji looked at the red ranger, "Just that you were able to persuade him to join us."

"That was the cost," Jayden skirted the question.

They watched as Mike began celebrating, finally performing his symbol power, scattering leaves everywhere.

Emily and Kevin had stopped their sword fighting, leaving only the Shadow and Pink Rangers still practicing.

Alexander threw a hook in Mia's direction, expecting the girl to block, instead, she leaned back, letting the blow miss before popping up and striking him dead center of his collarbone.

The rangers stood there dumbstruck.

"Nice," Alexander complimented, stopping to give the girl a water bottle.

"I'm more flexible, right," She smiled at him.

He nodded.

"Hey," Kevin ran over, "If either of you need anything, let me know, okay?"

Alexander simply nodded again while Mia said, "Uh, yeah. Sure."

Kevin smiled and took off toward Mike.

"What was that about," Mia asked.

Alexander shrugged, but Mia could see the wheels spinning in his head.

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