Unexpected Arrival and Anticipated Discoveries

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Author's Note: It's been a minute, but I think you all will be okay with the 10,000 words in this chapter.

We finally have the moment we've all been waiting for, and I couldn't be happier to continue writing. Thank you all for sticking with me through the delays.

Happy reading! I hope you enjoy your present!

Alexander woke up slowly, a far cry from most mornings. As he groggily gained his bearings and attempted to sit up, a weight stopped him. He looked down and found Mia sleeping peacefully, latched onto him like he'd disappear if she let go.

Her face was upturned slightly, letting him see the faint smile that graced her features. She resituated, nuzzling into his neck and letting out a content sigh.

As Alexander's mind got further into focus, he realized that he was holding her close, as well. One arm was wrapped around the small of her back, and the other held her head close, fingers tangled up in her hair.

As much as he wanted to stay in bed, holding her, the routine beaten into Alexander's bones demanded that he got up.

He began scratching at her head, causing her to nuzzle closer. After only a couple of minutes, she began to stir, letting out something between a groan and a growl.

"There she is," Alexander finally got to see those chocolate eyes.

"Too early," Mia grumbled, plopping back down onto his chest.

He rolled his eyes, "I've got to get up, Bad Influence."

"No, you don't," She protested, "You can stay...You're a good pillow."

"Yes, I do," He kept scratching her head and moved his arm from around her back, leaving his hand resting on her ribs.

"Not until you say it."

"Say what?"

She looked up, locking her chocolate eyes onto his lilac ones.

Alexander exhaled through his nose, causing Mia's head to bob from his chest deflating, "You're serious?"

"Mhmm," She chided.

"I've got to go, KitKat," He relented, "So either let me go, or I'll have to resort to drastic measures."

"Drastic measures, huh," Mia echoed, propping herself up either side of his head with her forearms, "And what would those be?"

"Last warning."

She smiled sweetly and cocked her head to the side, causing one of her disheveled pigtails to graze his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2023 ⏰

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