A Shocking Show

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Author's Note: Thank you all for your patience. This chapter's a bit different. Enjoy!

Alexander was sprinting for the fox shrine, weapons jostling with every step. He'd grabbed everything he could from his room: bow across his chest, quiver on his back, tonfas on his thighs, swords hanging from his hips, a small ax nestled beside his quiver, and a vest laden with knives.

How dare they?

Of all the plans drawn up against him, this one angered him the most. Molten rage poured through his veins as he continued toward his objective. Lightning flashed, and thunder rumbled across the darkened sky as sheets of rain threatened to fall from the clouds.

He'd kill them all.

If they'd left their issues with just him, it wouldn't have been a problem. They had to drag others into the conflict, least of all, one of the very few people he actually loves.

As the first drops of rain fell on the monster's captive, she stopped struggling against her bonds and a smile threatened to break around the gag in her mouth.

Her little brother was coming.


Emily recovered first, "Your sister?!"

"You didn't tell them," Kira put on the disapproving tone, offset by the smile on her face, "Allie..."

"Like they would've believed me anyways," He defended himself.

"So... You're the little brother she mentioned on the back of the CD case," Mia pieced together, "You helped write most of her songs."

"The one and only," Kira shook him gently, "Even if I had to ambush him to get him to help."

"That sounds about right," Mia conceded as the girls giggled.

"We'll give you a minute to catch up," Emily grabbed the other Rangers, "Come grab us when you're done?"

"Oh, we will," Kira assured, "I've got to hear all about Allie's adventures in Japan!"

The Rangers left the siblings alone, with Mia and Emily almost unable to contain their fangirling.

"So," Kira started once the Rangers had wandered out of earshot, "The cute one in the pink blouse?"

"What about her?"

"I see the way she's looking at you," Kira chided, "So when's the wedding?"

Mia and the others were standing just out of earshot, watching the two siblings smiling and talking to each other.

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