The Team Unites

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Alexander was up early again, he'd already gone through his open-hand routine for the day and was lacing up his shoes to go for a run.

"Alexander," Kevin appeared in the doorway to the common room and cocked his head questioningly, "You get up this early, too?"

"Something like that," He responded, "I like to run in the mornings. Helps when you're fighting for hours on end."

"I'll take your word for it," The blue ranger smirked, "How far do you plan on going today?"

"About eight, probably," Alexander stood up, "I found a pretty nice route leading by a fox shrine last week."

"I know what you're talking about," Kevin seemed excited to share, "That's a tough trail, though. There's a ton of hills."

"No hills is no fun," Alexander left Kevin and began his run.

Running was one of the only non-combat activities Alexander truly enjoyed. There was something about being wholly responsible for your ability to perform that soothed him for some reason. It was freeing, too, the ability to go wherever he wanted to.

He'd made it about halfway through a wooded segment of his run when his eyes widened.

A contingent of thirty moogers was waiting for him, twenty with swords, ten with bows.

"All of this for little ol' me," Alexander asked, cracking his neck while approaching, "Don't mind if I do."

"I'll make you mind," A nighlock appeared behind the group.

It had wide fists with long arms, Alexander knew he'd have a disadvantage in terms of reach, but he could more than make up for it with his speed.

"You're a daisy if you do," Alexander charged, sliding underneath a volley of arrows before summoning his spin sword.

The blade spun in the light, refracting sparks through the air as Alexander cut down mooger after mooger.

"You're all alone," The nighlock taunted as Alexander dodged one of its strikes, "A free win for me."

"Don't bet on it," Alexander growled, throwing one of the mooger's discarded swords, nailing the nighlock square between the eyes.

"You pest," The monster punched at Alexander, elongating its arms to try and ensure a hit.

He danced to the side, slashing down into the monster's arm, causing it to retract and the nighlock to hiss in pain.

"You're not what I expected," The nighlock growled, backing toward a gap.

"Never forget it," Alexander rested his sword, in its signature inverse grip, on his opposing forearm.

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