Sticks and Stones

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The Rangers were at the small training area just in front of the Shiba House. Emily and Mike were sparring while Mia and Kevin did the same. Alexander walked around the two pairs, instructing them while they fought.

"Mia, his chest isn't the only thing you can swing at, aim for the legs. Kevin, loosen up. Let yourself alter your stance to fit hers," Alexander instructed before turning to the Yellow and Green Rangers.

Emily and Mike were swinging hard at each other, their wooden swords clacking loudly.

"Watch your footwork, Mike," Alexander warned as Mike locked his sword with Emily's.

As Mike began applying his weight, Emily began losing ground.

"Be flexible, Em," Alexander said, "Fights aren't won by strength alone."

The Yellow Ranger got a glint in her eyes and let Mike's blade slide down hers. She danced to the side and sent Mike to the ground with a well-placed shot to the chest.

"Atta girl," He praised before turning to Mike, "Keep more weight on your back foot. You would've been able to get out of the way."

Emily beamed at the praise before turning her attention to Mike.

Alexander returned to the Pink and Blue Rangers, watching as they continued their duel.

"She's faster, be smarter," He advised Kevin, "Use your instincts."

Mia had apparently taken Alexander's earlier advice to heart, using her smaller stature and increased flexibility to create webs of attacks before bending away from Kevin's.

"Think, right," Kevin muttered to himself as he blocked another one of Mia's strikes.

The pair continued on for another couple of minutes. Mia continued attacking unabated, and Kevin stayed firmly on the defensive.

Alexander saw exactly what Kevin was doing, "Now you're thinking."

"What," Jayden asked.

"He's waiting for her to tire out," Alexander explained quietly, "She's relying on her strength alone, not momentum."

Three minutes later Kevin's patience was rewarded as Mia's sword moved just a hair too slow, letting him tag her across the midsection.

Mia yelped and dropped to her knees, holding where Kevin had just swatted her.

"Mia, are you alright," Kevin kneeled down, trying to console her, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to--"

"I'm okay," She got to her feet wobbly, "The nighlock last week got me there, too."

"Why didn't you say something," Kevin asked, "You need to be resting, not making it worse."

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