I've Got a Spell on Blue (Too)

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Author's Note: Sorry for the long delay. Between work and horrible writer's block, this chapter has been a doozy.

This is the 12th rewrite, and even though I'm not completely sure how I feel about it, I know you all have been missing your favorite edgy Alexander.

Only hint I'll give about this one is that the sails are finally unfurling.

Happy reading!

The Rangers stood around the small training area in front of the Shiba House. Alexander stood, unmorphed against the morphed Jayden and Kevin.

"Who's first," Alexander circled.

Kevin charged, his blade glinting in the light. Alexander blocked and parried, rolling to the side with a shot aimed at the Blue Ranger's midsection.

Kevin blocked that one and re-engaged quickly, reducing their blades to mere blurs in the sunlight. Alexander quirked a slight grin at the fight, Kevin was a considerable swordsman, even if he fought like everything was a training bout.

Alexander twisted strangely, letting his blade rest across his spine as he primed for a strike from below. He felt Kevin's blade smack the steel into his spine, dropping him lower to the ground and into a better position. Alexander popped up in a spiral, his inverted grip delaying his blade's travel, causing Kevin to miss his block as Alexander's blade impacted his collarbone.

"How," Mike asked, "How does he do it?"

"Experience," Alexander answered, rightening his posture painfully.

"Did I hurt you," Kevin put his hand on Alexander's shoulder, causing him to flinch harshly, "I'm sorry. I should've--"

"You're fine," Alexander cut him off, "I was hoping that would pop my back. Been stiff for weeks."

"Weeks," Emily echoed, "Why didn't you say something?"

"I'll be fine," He turned back toward Kevin, "I haven't gotten a bout that good in quite a while. Thanks."

"You don't even look winded, how was that a 'good bout,'" Kevin looked down.

"Your form is perfect, strikes are clean and precise," Alexander's comments brought his head up, "There aren't many swordsmen that technical."

"You're right," Kevin raised his sword, "Again?"


"You're going to let me help," Mia dragged Alexander off the training area.

Jayden chuckled at the situation, "Come on, Kev."

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