Day Off

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Author's Note: Big, long chapter this time: 6,200 words! A reference to another one of my stories, and a bit more everyone's favorite edgy Alexander! Enjoy!

Alexander was out on the practice field with Jayden, the latter attempting to--yet again--engage a new power disk he'd gotten ahold of.

Jayden grunted as he rotated his flaming sword around his head, trying to hold on as the disk engaged. He lost the fight with his blade, earning a one-way trip to the dirt.

Alexander helped him up, "It may sound strange coming from me, but you might need to give it a break."

"You're right," Jayden agreed, "It does sound strange. Any luck on your end?"

Alexander spun the power disk in question around his finger, "Nothing concrete yet, but no blood."


"Yet," He agreed, placing the disk onto the crossguard of his spin sword, "Then again, I'm known to do this sort of thing. You're not."

"This about Ji's idea," Jayden backed up to give him space.

"It's a good one," Alexander spun the disk, feeling his dwindling energy stores strain under the load, "Truth be told, we all could use a day off."

The disk's effects took hold, attempting to morph his blade into something else before recoiling violently, slashing the outside of his forearm wide open.

"Son of a--"

"You okay," Jayden interrupted, rotating Alexander's arm to get a better look at the gash.

"Me and my mouth," He grumbled, heading to his backpack to grab his medical supplies, "I'll be fine."

"So you think Ji's onto something," The Red Ranger prompted, getting into a ready stance to try his disk again.

"It makes sense," Alexander began cleaning his wound, "There's only so much the body can take before shutting down."

"You gonna take a day?"

"I'll take a day to learn a new weapon," He answered, "That's my idea of entertainment."

Jayden rolled his eyes before trying again, planting himself firmly onto the dirt yet again.

"Come on," Alexander helped him up again before shouldering his backpack, "I need more gauze, and you need to let your team know they're good to leave."

Jayden returned the disk to a little ornate wooden box and led the way back to the Shiba house.

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