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God Damnit. I'm starting to not mind Shiroi being around me...she's like a dog following me around almost everywhere in school. Ichika always laughs about it but at this point I think Shiroi does it in purpose just to spite me which worked at first but now I'm used to it and don't really mind.

"Look who it is, Shiroi with her 2 little friends. I'm surprised they haven't left her yet." Nori came up to us during the lunch break and I could see Shiroi's happy face turning into an angry one. Nori and her minions have been doing this for days now and it's just so annoying. They even threw coffee on me after me and Shiroi finished the project and went to a Cafe.


"That was easy." I heard Shiroi say after we finally completed our project. It took us 1h and 30min so Shiroi was exhausted but I wasn't.

Now that we were finished, I was about to stand up and go home but before I could say something, Shiroi interrupted me.

"Hey, now that we're done, wanna go to this new cafe that just opened? I heard their stuff there is pretty good. I'll even pay for both of us." I mean if she's paying....
"Sure, but I won't pay you back after that." Shiroi laughed but I was completely serious.
"Yeah yeah I know I mean I do owe you after everything."

"What the hell? It's raining?" After looking outside the window I noticed it's raining but I had no umbrella with me.
"It's okay, I got a big umbrella with me. We can share." The umbrella was definitely big.
"What are you thinking about? Are you daydreaming again?"
"What do you mean again?" I reply back in a sassy tone.
"Earlier you didn't pay attention to me and you were daydreaming about something."
"Shut up you liar."
"Smh, anyways let's go now."

"Woah this is so pretty." I was mesmerized by the aesthetic of the café, it was absolutely stunning.
"I know right? Look at that waiter, holy cow."
"Love at first sight, i see..." I said as a joke and she looked at me flabbergasted.
"Nah I'm into girls." Now that was unexpected.
"Oh you are?" I asked.
"Yeah, you homophobic or something?" I rolled my eyes and she chuckled.

We made our way to the counter and the lady behind it asked for our order.
"I'd like the hot chocolate please, in large." I really really really like hot chocolate, it's the best.
"Me too please."
"Okay, what are you guys' names and what color would you like to have it be written on?" If this is like Starbucks where they spell my name really wrong, I'll never go here again. "Can it be multiple colors?" I asked and she nodded.
"Alright then, name is Asuka and the colors pink, blue and purple please."
"For me it's Shiroi in red."
"Alright, that'll make 8$ together please."

Shiroi handed her over the money and we waited for our hot chocolate.
"Wait a minute...pink, blue and purple..aren't those the colors of the bisexual flag?" Shiroi pointed out.
"You finally noticed, took you long enough."
"This means we could be dating." Excuse me?
"W-what?! What are you talking about." This time, I was genuinely shocked.
"Haha you're flustered and getting red."
"Ugh I regret agreeing to come here with you" Shiroi laughed at that comment but I was dead serious.

She lead the conversation as I stared at the interior of this cafe. I was so zoned out I didn't notice someone coming my way. It was Nori and her group. They were giggling and whispering but I just ignored them. Before I could say something to Shiroi, Nori bumped into me with the hot coffee in her hand, spilling it on my top. It burned but that didn't bother me the most, it was Nori and the girls laughing right after. They definitely did this on purpose.

"You girls are seriously-" Shiroi said, taking tissues from the counter to pat me dry.
"Just ignore them." I cut her off as the group of girls left the store, still giggling like stupid bitches.
"Are you okay? Oh that must hurt." She helped me get my top to dry a little bit but the stain was still very visible.

We took our hot chocolates and left the cafe to walk around a bit. I agreed to that because she payed for my hot chocolate and because she helped me earlier. Before I was finally able to leave Shiroi's side, she insisted on walking me to my house.

"Okay, see you tomorrow" Shiroi said, waving at me before turning around and walking home. I didn't wave back, I didn't say anything, I just turned around and opened the door.

"Mom, Dad, I'm back." I said before realizing that they hadn't come home yet, it was only 5pm.

--flashback end--

"Ugh Hayashi, leave us alone, you're so obsessed with us." Ichika said, she was right, they were obsessed with us.
"Me? Obsessed with you people? As if!" She looked embarrassed and decided to leave before I could punch her.
Shiroi looked at us with guilt on her face "I'm sorry that they are bothering you guys so much, it's because of me. It's okay if you guys don't want to hang out with me anymore."
"No no what are you talking about? We will continue hanging out with you, who cares what those girls say and do? Don't let them get into your head." Ichika strikes back and without saying a word, I just nod.

Shiroi looked relieved at our reply and gave us a warm smile before continuing to eat her salad.
"Hmm, so good. Thank you guys."
"Don't talk with food in your mouth." I said but she just laughed it off.

Shirois Pov:
Asuka still seems to be pissed off with me being around but she doesn't exactly do anything to get me to leave. Could this be a sign that she's starting to accept me as her friend?

"Hey Shiroi-Chan!" I turned around and saw Ichika walking towards me. I was on my way home but it seems she and I have to go the same way.

"Hey, what's up?"
"The past week I've noticed you trying to get Asuka to really like you, I see the effort but if you don't mind me asking, what happened between you guys to make her be so annoyed at you?" Ichika looked really genuine and confused about the whole situation, maybe I should tell her what happened.

"One day in Junior School, Nori and the girls decided to prank Asuka by taking embarrassing pictures of her in P.E and editing them to look 'ugly'. Then Nori told me to hang them around the school and in our classroom. I was never on board with this but I did prioritize my popularity over a persons feelings so I did what they told me to do. While I was hanging them around, Asuka catched me and her expression...her expression made me realize what I had been doing. She ran away crying and I tried chasing her but I never found her. To this day I still feel awful and I already apologized but I don't think she'll forgive me which is understandable. I was a horrible person."

Silence, there was silence while me and Ichika continued walking side by side.

"Mhm, I see." Is all I heard from her.
"So thats why I think she hates me. Maybe also because I was friends with the group who bullied her.." I may have just lose another friend.
"But you've changed or atleast you're trying to and you're trying to make it up to her, I think that's what's important to note as well. You recognize your mistakes and own up to them."
"I guess so...but I just don't know what to do to make Asuka trust me again, I just want to become her friend, I really like her."
"I could help you with that. You'd have to hang out with us all the time but sometimes I'll just leave, it could give you both the opportunity to talk to eachother alone."
"Sounds like a Plan, hopefully she'll want to spend more time with me willingly in the future..thanks Ichika"
With a plan ahead of us, we parted our ways and I walked home, having hope that Asuka and I could become friends.

I would like to mention that I should've replaced Ichika with a different OC since her personality and story doesn't exactly add up with the new story and personality I have written for her. The reason for that is because at the time I first wrote this, I didn't have many OC's so I just took the next OC after Shiroi 😭

unfamiliar feelings ~ Asuka x Shiroi (oc's)Where stories live. Discover now