20 > First time

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10th Doctor - He made sure during your first time that he would take it slow, making sure you were comfortable before anything else. But this was the only time he would go easy on you.

Hes planning to play it more rough the more comfortable you get with him.

He made sure to give you aftercare afterwards.

11th Doctor - For your first time, it just sort of happened. It wasn't planned or anything. Yous both sort of just went with the flow. The way his hands tangled in your hair to deepen the kiss. Tugging ever so gentally ever now and then to gain access to the skin on your neck.

His breath sending goosebumps to form along the warm surface. You knew where this was leading to, and you didn't care. You were ready.

One of the best nights of your life.

12th Doctor - You knew you were ready to take the relationship to the next level but out of respect, you never pushed the Doctor to do anything with you.

It wasn't until one day, he took you by surprise.

Here you found yourself in mid make out, clothes scattered around the room and breathing, the only thing that could be heard.

You pulled away for air, looking up into his bright pools, your own eyes clouded full of lust.

"Doctor, you dont have to do anything you don't want to," you say, eyes doepy and breath shaky.

"I want to," he says, making your eyes widen ever so slightly.

"Are you sure?" You asked, stunned he was even thinking about taking things to the next level. Something you dreamed he said over and over.

"I've never been more sure," he smiles.

It's safe to say the next morning you felt like you couldn't walk properly. It was quite literally your first time after all. But it was with the man you love.

River Song - You two constantly done it whenever no one was around. It was impossible to keep you two off from one another.

River made it very difficult for you to concentrate on things. And Amy always wondered why you could never stay focused.

You can't help it. She was amazing in every way. Especially in the sheets.

The Doctor and Amy stood in the console room. It was silent until they could hear muffled noises coming from your shared room with River.

"No way. Are they-" Amy begins, scrunching her face from holding back a laugh.

"-i would prefer if we just ignored them, please," the Doctor says, his face turning pink from hearing you pratically scream Rivers name in pleasure.

"Yeah, me too," Amy replies, awkwardly fiddling with a control on the panel.

"How long does this usually go on for?"

"Hard to say..." the Doctor gulps, fixing his bow tie to sit straight in the crook of his neck.

"Lets go some place else, shall we?"

Amy pond - it was no secret Amy loved teasing you while you worked, whether that was when you were driving the TARDIS or simply trying to fix a gadget of yours. She always found a way to make you lose your train of throught and focus all your attention on the red head in front of you.

When the two of you actually got round to doing it, it was even better than you imagined.

Yous roll off from one another, panting heavily. Your mind in a daze from what just happened seconds ago.

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