15 - What they fear

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10th Doctor - The Doctor fears fear itself. He doesn't like showing fear because it's a weakness. He likes to encourage fear within others to make them faster which confuses you a little.

11th Doctor - He fears Rory and what he is capable of. He can't trust him. After the god complex, he put a hold to travelling with Amy and Rory and tricked them into staying home.

12th Doctor - He fears his past. More importantly death. He doesn't want to admit it, but he is very frightend of death. The loss of people he's greifed over always comes back to haunt him. That's why he's so protective of you.

River song - She's afraid of loosing you and the Doctor. You two are the only people that are most important to her besides her parents. She would give her life for you two.

Amy - it's no secret that Amy is afraid of the Weeping angels.

Rory - Hes afraid of pretty much everything but what scares him the most is your safety as he thinks travelling with the Doctor is dangerous.

Clara - She fears being alone and forgotten. Although sometimes she thinks fear is useful and uses it as a weapon.

'Fear is a superpower. Fear can make you faster and cleverer and stronger,'

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