4 - What annoys you about them

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10th Doctor - How difficult he is to talk to sometimes. No matter how hard you try to get his attention, he always seems to have something else to do or something important on his mind.

You knew this was a bad habit of his but you tried your best to ignore this or maybe bring it up to him.

He argued back saying that it's not true before falling silent and doing it again.

"Did you know if my TARDIS was on her true weight, she could rip a hole in the world and make it shatter into millions of pieces all at once? You'd be breathing in your world! Like, ripping a hole in your universe. Did! did you know that - ooh... I'm doing it now, aren't I?" The Doctor says once hearing himself out loud.

"Yep." You say, making him look away from you in embarrassment.

11th Doctor - He has a habit of changing the subject when he knows he's caught out in something. By doing this he reminds you of past events such as the time you were trapped on a Daleks ship.

Thanks to the Doctor you are reminded daily of how you nearly died and how stupid it was for you to be so vulnerable.

"How did this conversation go to taking my food to that!?"

12th Doctor - It's no secret that the Doctor can be truly harsh at times.

You could list the number of things you are two would argue about daily, but the number one thing that irritated the shit out of you was when he pretends to be listening to you when he wasn't.

He never fails to scold you when you don't listen to him, So you don't see how it's fair that he always gets away with doing it.

River song - You rarely get to spend time with her. She's always busy running off on adventures to even remember you exist.

When you decided to bring this up to her she gets upset with you.

"I'm not angry, just upset!" You said, trying to catch up with her.

"I'm sorry that I'm always busy! I can't spend every day of my life circling you," River says after stopping in her tracks to face you.

"I'm sorry that I'm always busy! I can't spend every day of my life circling you," River says after stopping in her tracks to face you

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"That's not what I meant. I just...miss having you around..." you admit Sadly.

The look in her eyes immediately softens.

"Really?" She asked.

"Of course I do. Who else is going to keep me sane," you laughed.

Amy - You hate how ignorant she is sometimes and the fact that she always seems to wander off on her own.

Whether it's with you, the Doctor or some alien from outer space, She doesn't seem to care. Most of the time it's on accident, but when it's not it infuriates you.

You just don't want her getting into trouble or getting hurt.

"Right. Stick with me," You say before running over to crouch down behind an abnormally large rock. You turned your back to talk to her but noticed she was walking in the wrong direction.

"Amy! We're you going? Get down or you'll be seen!" You whisper shout to her.

"It's fine, it's not like they can see me from here anyways," she waves dismissively before two lasers began shooting in her direction.

Amy ducked down and began crawling over to you panting heavily.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Amy! You could have gotten yourself killed!" You exclaimed in anger.

"I'm fine, see. No biggy," she says.

"Your gonna be the reason I die one day," you mumbled.

Rory - How to put this politely.

He isn't the toughest person you've ever met but you want him to at least try and act as if he cares when seeing you in danger. Not that he doesn't but there is seriously something he is lacking there.

Clara - As crazy as it sounds, you hate how she and the Doctor are always coming up with clever plans together to fight against the bad guys while your left to sit in the background of them and told to keep your mouth shut

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Clara - As crazy as it sounds, you hate how she and the Doctor are always coming up with clever plans together to fight against the bad guys while your left to sit in the background of them and told to keep your mouth shut.

It was only so often that you came up with ideas on how to escape from tricky situations but even then you were made as to the third wheel.

Nothing new to you.

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