8 - Nicknames for each other

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10th Doctor - Due to your height differences, he loves to call you 'shorty.' Other than that he sticks with calling you 'love.' He's old fashioned that way.

You - You love it when he explains time using the phrase; 'Wibbly wobbly timy wimy stuff.' So you decided to nickname him 'Mr timy wimy', or sometimes 'trouble.'


11th Doctor - He's always coming up with cute nicknames for you, some of which are 'Cutie-pie' or 'short-cake' they always have to be sweet related.

You - You love calling him your 'lil bean', or 'bow tie man' but mostly stick to calling him 'Mr perfect'


12th Doctor - Not a single days passes by without him calling you 'Pudding brain' at least once. On his bad days he calls you 'annoyance' but if you catch him on his good days, he calls you his 'cute lil human.'

You - You loved calling him by his nicknames, especially just to see his little reactions afterwards.

'Grumpy' is commonly used as a nickname for him but very rarely you'll chance your luck and call him 'cotton bud' ; referring to his fluffy silver hair. You refferrd to him as your 'Rock or lil rockstar' when he plays his guitar for you. It was your favourite and secretly his aswell.


River - Of course 'Sweetie' was used very often towards you but sometimes she would switch between calling you 'Sweetheart' or 'Darling'

You - You weren't very creative when coming up with nicknames for partners so 'Honey' was the first choice that came to mind until one day you came up with the nickname 'friz bear.' She thinks it's the most adorable thing ever.


Amy - 'Babe' was the go-to nickname for her but her favourite nickname for you was the 'Riggidy girl.' It fit well with you and matched perfectly with the Doctor's nickname 'Ragady man.'

You - You love labelling her as 'the Legs' but that nickname didn't come from you. To make things easier, you nicknamed her 'lil miss nightmare' since it matched perfectly with her ability to ignore you alot. 'Ginge bear' just sort of popped into your head one day after playing with her long orange locks.


Rory - he loved refering to you as 'Mrs Williams' as he was adamant to put a ring on your finger one day. 'honey bear' and 'boo' were his other go-to names.

You - You weren't a big fan of nicknames and could only ever come up with 'Mr nose', 'baby' or 'hun.'


Clara - She loved calling you 'Midget' even though she was only a meter taller than you. She also loves it when she makes you all flustered so when she could, she would occasionally refer you to as 'sexy bum.'

You - Considering how clever and perfect she always was, at least in your eyes, you loved referring to her as 'Golden girl' or 'My lil chipmunk.'

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