24 > Reactions and pregnancy

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10th Doctor - You and the Doctor have been together for ten years. Three of those years yous have been married.

People started asking when the two of you planned on having a baby.

It's funny really.

All those years spent together and yet the subject of children somehow hadn't been discussed between the two of you.

You were visiting your mum for a cup of tea.

How you ended up in the bathroom, head over the toilet puking your guts out was a mystery. Wiping your mouth, your mother comes in to check on you.

"Everything alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Must have ate something off. Was sick this morning as well," you shrug, draining the taste out of your mouth using water.

"Actually, thinking about it, I was up all night with it as well," you add. Your mum looks at you skeptically.

"Honey, have you tried taking a pregnancy test?" She asks.

"I'm not pregnant," you laugh.

"I think your better to check,"

A day later, here you were taking a pregnancy test.

It felt like it had been hours of you just looking down at the two bold lines staring back at you.

"Oh no,"

The Doctor suddenly bursts in, making you jump on the spot.

"What are you doing!?" You scream.

"Sorry, I couldn't find you and I was beginning to worry something might have happened and-" he caught eyes with what you were holding.

"What's that?"

"What's what?"

"That in your hand, what is it?"

Hesitantly, you lift it up and show him what it was. The Doctor took a moment to look at it. His eyes practically bulged from their sockets.

"You're pregnant!"

"That's what it says,"

"Wow, what a rollercoaster of a day it has been," he says, running a hand through his hair.

"Are you...okay with this?" You ask, standing up to face him.

He looks back at you then down at the test again.

"It's a bit of a shock but I have to say, I've actually been wanting to ask if you wanted to start a family," he says, looking back at you with the most dashing smile you loved.

"That's a relief," you smile back.

The two of you share a kiss.

What a great way to start a new chapter in your life's.

11th Doctor - "Doctor, got a moment?" You ask poking your head through the door to the console room.

"Two minutes and you'll have my full attention," he replies, flipping one last switch before spinning on his heels to face you.

"Ravish me dear,"

You quirk a brow at him confused.

"Was trying a new thing, didn't work. Carry on," he waves.

You look down at the pregnancy test in your hand before looking up at him.

"I'm not sure how your going to react, but just know, I love you no matter what," the Doctor panics a little at your words.

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