11 - First kiss (Companion)

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River Song - The silence tried taking over the planet. They exsist to you only when your looking at them. If you turn your back even for a second, you forget what you even saw.

The Doctor as usual tricked the silence into announcing their own prosecution to the whole world.

They were furious that their plans had been interfered with and tried attacking yous all.

River immedently stepped forth and started shooting at them, effortlessly.

You stood back amswatched her stunned.

The way she twirled her gun in her hand before turning to face you with a playful smirk made you melt.

"Like the view," she smiles.

"Ho-how could I not," You choked out.

One member of the silence was standing behind her and without even looking, she raised her gun and shot it.

"Its called being amazing darling, now hush," River said, strolling past you swaying her hips a little knowing that you were eyeing her from behind. She hopped on board the TARDIS with you soon follwoing her.

The Doctor flew off and dropped both you River at her prison cell. She gave a look to the Doctor, telling him to leave which He took no bother obliging to now leaving just the two of yous.

"I guess this is it until I see you another time," You say.

"I guess it is..." she trails off. Her eyes glancing down at your lips then back up with yours.

You weren't sure what to do next but found yourself leaning into her sub consciously until your lips practically smashed onto hers when River moved forth.

When the two of you separated away for air, for the first time ever you noticed Rivers cheeks flushing red.

"I think its safe to say I'll be doing this more often," you announced smirking in a breathless state.

"I'm not complaining ~" she purrs.

Amy - It was Christmas eve.

Snow was falling and the streets were covered in a thick sheet of white powder.
("Heh, powder" *sniffs intensely* "Shit. Brain freeze!)

You, Amy and the Doctor had planned a special evening together but the TARDIS decided to play up and takes yous all some place differnet. Yous all later discovered that it was a trap and spent all of Christmas eve defeating an army of cybermen dressed as father Christmas.

When it was all over you returned Amy to her home. You were about to leave until Amy grabbed a hold of your arm.

"Why can't you stay. Spend Christmas with me," Amy said her eyes practically begging you to stay.

"I can't. You know i can't," you replied sadly.

Amy looked down and sighed.

"Yeah your right. I hate it when your right," she joked making you laugh.

"Merry Christmas, Amy," you smiled.

Amy didn't say anything. In fact she just stood in her doorway, looking at you as if contemplating on what to do next. She then took you off guard by leaning into you, planting a soft, tender kiss on your lips.

Selfconsiously, you Leaned into her touch and deepend the kiss. When yous separated for air, she leaned her head on yours, smiling breathlessly.

"That was... nice," you breathed.

"Yeah," she laughs.

"Can we do it again?"

Rory - You waited long enough to kiss this man. Nothing was going to stop you from kissing him on your first date.

Except of course the Doctor...

Rory had taken you out to the movie with him to watch a horror. Not his choice in genres but he didn't care, as long as you sat by his side.

Everyone would expect you to be the one getting scared when surprisingly, it was Rory.

Throughout the movie, he tried to secretly place his arm around your shoulders but everything he went to, he hesitated. Eventually you leaned over, forcing his hand over your shoulders.

You looked at him through thr corner of your eyes and saw the slightest pink tint forming in his cheeks which you found to be adorable.

At the end of your date, the two of you stood outside your house.

"Well, today was...something else," Rory tried small talking.

"Yeah, I wouldn't of wanted it to end any other way," you smiled.

Rory tilts his head at you in confusion.

"What do you mean by end?" He asks.

You look down at your feet before moving a step closer to him and leaning up towards his lips. Just as yours lips were about to touch, the door swung open, showing the man In the bowtie staring with a wide grin.

"Don't mind me. Just pretend I'm not even here," he waves.

You roll your eyes, pushing his head back inside the door.

"God, he's irritating," You retort.

"Yeah, that's the Doctor for you," Rory fake smiled.

"I better get Inside," you politely said, moving to grab the door handle. This time it was his turn to surprise you. He swiftly turned you round and placed a quick peck on your lips.

You stared at him in both awe and shock.

He turned to leave but you didn't let him.

The two of you found yourself standing on your door step, snogging for what felt like hours.

Clara Oswald - The two of yous were having a cosy night in for a change. No going on crazy adventures. No being chased by angry soldiers. Just a quiet night in, watching movies and cuddiling on the couch.

Clara has a habit of pointing out men on the tv she found the slightest bit attractive and says it out loud for you to hear.

She knew how it made you feel but continued teasing you no matter what you said to her.

After the tenth time, you had enough.

"Oof, would you look the body on hi-"

You grabbed her face and crashed your lips onto hers, immedently shutting her up. Her fingers gripped at your hair, faint moans escaping from either of your mouths now and then.

Yous eventually had to separate away from each other for air. Both looking and sounding a total mess.

"Then again, no one compares to you," she smiles, breathlessly.

"Damn right,"

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